Title: Willing Sacrifice Author: Agent L Classification: SA, MT Rating: PG, I guess Spoilers: Amor Fati, One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest (yes, the movie) Distribution: Archive anywhere, but keep my name and e-mail attached please! Disclaimer: To Chris Carter, David Duchovny, Gillian Anderson, and Fox: I know they're not mine, and no money, gifts or even chocolate would be expected or accepted for this. You're not using Mulder right now, anyway. Summary: Missing scene from Amor Fati Willing Sacrifice "Are you willing to sacrifice yourself to the truth?" --Albert Hosteen, Anasazi Our escape was too easy. Doors are never opened to us. Keys are never meant for the locks we must open. Yet in the Department of Defense, arguably one of the most secure buildings in the United States, if not the world, an unauthorized female visitor and her barely conscious companion -- still in his hospital gown -- are nearly given a personal escort out the back door. I have no doubt this was part of their agenda, as it seems our every move is carefully planned and orchestrated, and I suppose I should be resentful or angry or questioning...But all I can feel is gratitude. For whatever reason, they've let us live another day. Although as I look at Mulder now, I'm not sure he's alive. He breathes, his heart beats, he can walk -- although it's more of a shuffle, and my shoulders ache from supporting his weight. But since he woke up and looked at me in that operating room, he's been unaware, going where I go simply because I drag him in that direction. His eyes are unfocused, his jaw slack, and I can't help but think of Jack Nicholson at the end of Cuckoo's Nest. Will I end up smothering him with a pillow, unable to face the shell that was once a vibrant, intelligent man? I return my own focus -- a little shaky as well -- to the road, although I'm not exactly sure where to go. He should still be in a hospital, but how do I explain his condition to the doctors? How do I trust anyone? He is the only one I trust, and he's gone somewhere that I can't follow. Still, I reach across and put my hand over his, desperate for some form of contact, even though his fingers remain lax under mine. Glancing over when we pull up to a stop sign, I see his eyes are closed, his mouth slack, and I remind myself that sleep is a normal part of the healing process after surgery. That's the best thing for him now, probably the only thing he really needs. I drive for hours until I'm sure we haven't been followed before I take him to an anonymous hotel off the interstate. I desperately wanted to take him home, to his apartment or to mine, but for all I know both places are being watched. Or perhaps my paranoia is unnecessary. Perhaps he's outlived his usefulness now and has become so much refuse, like medical waste left to be discarded. When we arrive, he waits patiently in the car while I register and then allows me to lead him into the small, musty hotel room, as if he has borrowed my will in the absence of his own. I help him recline on the bed and pull the covers over him as he shivers in the thin hospital gown, and then I carefully explain that I have to go get some things and I'll be right back. There is no indication he understands me, but it's important that I tell him what's going on, in case he's in there somewhere, terrified that I'll leave him to die, like they did. I find an all-night drugstore not far away and stock up, snarling at the clerk who dares to question why I need all these medical supplies and makes some stupid joke about a rough night. He is immediately forgotten as I drive back to the hotel and to my relief find Mulder still on the bed. He hasn't moved, as far as I can tell, and remains motionless as I check his head and his vitals. Terrified by his continued silence, I keep up a continuous dialogue of soothing comments, assuring him that his pulse is strong, his blood pressure close to normal, until I'm sick of the sound of my own voice. He is still so cold. I climb into the bed next to him and press up against his body, my hand over his heart where I can feel the slow, steady beat that finally lulls me to sleep. ________ I awake sometime later to a sound I can't readily identify -- like a frightened child trying desperately to keep the sobs deep inside. Mulder's body is warm now, and his heart races beneath my fingers. In the moonlight I see a tear seep from beneath his closed eyes as he dreams... or perhaps remembers. His lips move soundlessly at first, and then he whispers something unintelligible. I don't know if I should wake him or not. Not knowing what exactly has been done to him, I hesitate to take action too hastily. Instead, I stay close, hoping that somehow he'll sense my presence and not be afraid. "Diana..." His voice, rusty from disuse, is nonetheless loud in the quiet room, the word clearly spoken. I fight an unreasonable jealousy of this woman who betrayed him, who nearly killed him and yet still claims his loyalty, feeling small and selfish to resent him for not calling out for *my* name. "Please. Don't let him..." His voice sinks to a whisper, a plea, and I realize he is back in the operating room, begging for her help. If she walked into the room at that moment, I would kill her for the anguish she put him through...still puts him through. "Ssh." I stroke his forehead, his temple, his unshaven cheek, praying that my touch will break the spell and release him from the nightmare. "Mulder, it's me. You're safe now." Whether from my touch or my words, he calms down, and a few moments later he opens his eyes. "Scully...?" "I'm here." "I - I had a bad dream..." "I know. It's all right. Go back to sleep." He obediently closes his eyes and I feel ashamed of his faith in me, unworthy of his trust. I no longer know who or what to believe, acting on instinct more than intelligence -- forced to rely on the whims and wills of other players in this complex game who make up the rules as they go along. I trust no one, except for this man beside me -- but my trust cannot save or protect him in his headlong dash toward the truth. I can only follow behind and pick him up when he falls, mend the visible and invisible wounds to the best of my ability. But I know it's only a matter of time before he'll be lost to me. And it won't be a bullet or poison or brain surgery that takes him. I will lose him to the truth. The End Feedback? Yes, please! LHoward388@aol.com