TITLE: Vapour Trail AUTHOR: Khyber (yes, THAT Khyber.) E-MAIL: khyber@citizensofgravity.com DISTRIBUTION: Ephemeral, Gossamer, please ask for anywhere else. RATING: PG-13 for implied sex CATEGORIES: SR KEYWORDS: Mulder / Scully romance. SPOILERS: Oh, come on. All of late S7, especially "Je Souhaite." SUMMARY: Post-ep for "Je Souhaite." Scully's not making this too easy. Disclaimer: Nope, nobody making any money. Author's Notes: More angsty fun if you think of this as Friday, and "Requiem" as Monday. Also, I was thinking of calling this "Gong Endir" in an attempt to win something for "Most Cryptic Songfic Ever." * * * "So, was that a wish, Mulder?" "Well, I was gonna go for invisibility, but I've heard that isn't as cool as you'd think." I rolled up on one elbow and probably gave him the eyebrow. If he was going to wish something involving me, he'd probably wish my ovaries back, or something equally noble. "No, seriously, that was apparently my native charm and the undeniable romantic appeal of Caddyshack." "I was trying to think of a way to get out of watching the last half of Caddyshack. Maybe it was my wish." "Works every time." He likes the way it's going this time. Except for three nights ago in Missouri, it's been all me, me slipping into the bedroom, me casually sliding my starlet-gown off in one smooth move (I was proud of that one), me rolling across the couch to straddle him and growling to turn the damn movie off. He likes being absolved of the guilt, if there is any. Mulder's seductions, except for the baseball incident, are inevitably dark, scenery-mangling affairs with loaded phrases and impossible promises. I may have to give him the credit on this one, though, for a moment immediately before that awful Kenny Loggins song started when he glanced down at my lips, my neck, in a way that hinted of possession. "Are you going to tell me what that last wish was?" Mulder laughed. He was laying on his back, I on my side, sheet tucked and tugged to flatter me a little. "Are you suspiscious?" "Well, it's a very practical concern. I mean, trouble, often fatal trouble, seems to follow wherever her carpet lands." "That won't be a problem anymore." "You released her, didn't you." I touched him, carefully, running my fingertip over his bare shoulder. I rarely start the touching; that's almost always his job. But I was having trouble keeping everything in line, fresh from an orgasm that felt like it gently removed my skeleton and left it laying beside the bed. My hand continues on his chest, and one of my feet slides over his calf. "Yeah, I did." "I though you might." "Why?" "Because while you're probably not the first person who's thought of it, you're the first who would actually do it." "Was that a very, very backhanded compliment?" "No. It's a real compliment. It sounds funny in this day and age, Mulder, but you're an honourable man. An occasionally foolish and frustrating one, but an honourable one." On that note, I rolled on my back, drawing myself up on my elbows and beginning to look around for my clothes. Mulder's hand ran down my bicep. I tensed it like a teenage boy. "Are you going?" he asked. "I'm not entirely sure what I'm doing." "Well, don't go yet." "I don't know, Mulder..." I should have been able to do better than that. I didn't want to leave, but there was something old and chilly pushing me between my shoulder blades, pushing me up and out of his bed. "Scully, it's one in the morning. It's Friday anyway. Are you going to make me get sentimental here?" "This should be good," I said. Temporarily reprieved from carrying out my sacred and lonely duty, I lay down beside him and we reverse our previous positions, Mulder up on one elbow. I know he's hoping that I'll have a stray hair that needs taking care of, but he had to continue without props. "I know that we are not supposed to speak of these things. But, I mean, in seven years we... this has happened before, and I think, you know, we usually managed to pick the very wrong times to do the right thing." "You're saying this is the right thing to do?" It came out right, for once, not questioning, actually asking. "Well, we're ending up here a lot lately, and I don't sense an aura of impending crisis." "The time before last was totally a crisis. You'd nearly been killed by mutant tobacco beetles. And two years ago we were pretty out of control for a couple of months, so it's not completely without precedent." "Scully, it feels different, and you know it." "You're right, Mulder, but it's complicated. I mean, we work together, and after everything that's happened..." "Aw, Scully... how can you say that with a straight face? This isn't like we're waking up after a Christmas party gone wrong and going 'oh, shit, what's your name again?'" He's right. That was embarrassingly weak, like a parody of something I would have said years ago. "I'm not sure I mean that, Mulder. I think it's just some sort of conditioned response. I have to say it." "I'm not sure what I mean either. But I don't want to forget this, Scully, I don't want to pretend it's not there." "So, what...? The same, with admittedly extraordinary sex on a slightly more regular basis?" What I meant to say was that he was a crazy and beautiful man, and that we should immediately move to Fiji and become scuba instructors. However, I wasn't entirely sure he wouldn't have just agreed with me. "Verging on paranormal." He chuckles. "I don't know, Scully. I told Skinner a few years ago that my future plans were in the X-files somewhere." "If you tell me that your future plans are me, I am so not going to believe you." "That's not exactly where I'm going," he begins. The way he hesitates lets me know that it's a false etreat. "... but what if you were right that morning before I went off chasing crop circles in England? What if all that's in the X-files is more X-files?" "Am I really hearing this, Mulder?" I tried to make it sound like I'm calling bullshit, but he moves close to me and I'm betrayed, suddenly conscious of the warm rush of contentment. The nearness of his body reminds me of being held, touched, penetrated, adored. The urge to purr and snuggle and do other terrible things is almost overwhelming. I smile at him. "Keep talking, this is going to be pure gold for future arguments." "I can't do this anymore, Scully. This bullshit, this now-and-again pretending thing. I've told you all the serious stuff before. You are my touchstone, my one in five billion. You believed me. But I want to be able to just tangle my fingers in your hair..." He does, running a hand back from my temple and just over my ear. It's slow, it feels like a full-body massage, and I catch myself wanting to mewl. "I want to put my mouth right here," he whispers, pressing his face into my neck, "and lay still, and breathe you in. I want that to be all right." * * * That was the point, ladies and gentlemen, when Dr. Scully decided that it was, in fact, time to go. I can't say why in any straightforward fashion. But it was just getting good... oh it was, it was getting so very good. What woman doesn't want to hear those things? I certainly do. In the interest of full disclosure, let me make it clear that I for one will be immensely surprised if I wake up five years, or one year, or ever for that matter, with anyone besides Mulder, and I don't want it any other way. Not to mention that even thinking about Mulder with anyone else starts a black fire in my barren womb that makes me simultaneously want to curl into a ball and cry, and reach for my gun and pre-emptively hunt the bitch down. So what brings Dr. Scully, Sister Spooky, to her neatly made lonely bed at two o'clock on a Saturday morning? Mulder believes everything he says, but he'll say it to get what he wants. There is always that slight twinge, that Mulder says these things because he wants something, and even if it's something that wants him back, I just can't let him get away with it. A couple of years ago, a little before Antarctica, he decided he wanted me. At the time, I took the sex--wrenching, biting, fearful doses of it-- because that was all I could handle, and when he refused to let me pick and choose my entanglements I backed away again. I needed to do this tonight, exercise those muscles one last time, let my old heat shield burn a bright trail as I enter a new atmosphere. I know he's down there, waiting for me. * * * finis Better? Worse? Back into the permafrost with the other woolly mammoths? khyber@citizensofgravity.com