Title: Of Elevators and Onions Author: the idiosyncratic stanwyck Email: theidiosyncraticstanwyck@yahoo.com Distribution: Just let me know. Rating: R Categories: SRH Keywords: Mulder/Scully romance. Post-episode. Spoilers: The Ghost in the Machine Summary: Going down while going down. Author's Notes: Written for Fandomonium's Season of Smut Challenge - I had no idea what to write for one of the least sexy episodes in XF history, until a few time-honored cliches presented themselves to offer assistance. Of Elevators and Onions "That went better than I had expected," Scully murmured under her breath, preceding her lanky partner into the elevator. She jabbed the button for the basement and the doors slid shut, sealing Scully and Mulder into the six-by- four grey on grey rectangle. Mulder rolled his shoulders back and loosened his tie. It was after five; dress code be damned. "Sure," he agreed sardonically as they began their journey downward from the fifth floor. "As far as they're concerned, we solved the crime. So what if Jerry's dead and the suspect in custody is innocent; it looks good on paper." Scully sighed, her blue eyes softening with sympathy as she took in Mulder's tight expression. "Everyone's sorry about Agent Lamana, Mulder. And as far as Wilczek's innocence -- he did confess, and you can't prove -- " He cut her off. "Scully." The simple utterance of her name conveyed every modicum of his disdain at her continued disbelief. "I wasn't the one trapped in the air shaft, minutes away from plunging to my death and being chopped into hundreds of little pieces." She winced. "It could've been a malfunction," she rejoined, but hardly sounded convinced. "Well, it will look nice on your record, anyway." She raised an eyebrow. "My record? Mulder, I seem to recall that you were there too." "Oh, come on. Spiller had eyes only for you, Scully. She likes you." The furrow between Scully's brows became pronounced. "I was the one presenting the report; of course she was paying attention to me. And what do you mean, she likes me?" He grinned, popping open a can of soda and taking a long swig. "She's got her eye on you, Scully. You've got all the right qualifications - future Iron Maiden in training." Scully frowned, but didn't say anything. She knew Mulder was joking, but still, it was hardly a compliment. Nancy Spiller was notorious for her frigid nastiness. She was also forty-five and single; rumor had it that even houseplants withered in her arctic presence. That couldn't be how Mulder saw her, could it? Being a woman in a man's world was hard, damn it, and something Scully had to struggle with every day: if you were too nice, people used your back as a doormat; if you tried to be professional and assertive, you were a ball- breaking bitch. This elevator ride seemed, really, to be taking an excessively long time. Her eyes drifted to the panel of numbers over the doors. The number three glowed green. She stared at it. Three-three-three - it remained illuminated. Uh-oh. "Mu-" she began, but was interrupted by a sudden jolt. The car rocked, flinging both of them to one side. The metal support railing painfully jabbed Scully in the ribs. The motion stopped as suddenly as it had begun, but the doors remained closed. "Shit," Mulder swore, and began jabbing buttons. He pounded on the call button - nothing. "Shit," he swore again. Scully took a deep breath. For her part, she was feeling a touch more - well, freaked out than the situation warranted. Her eyes met Mulder's and he gulped. They were obviously both thinking the same thing: the timing of this couldn't be worse. The surveillance video of Jerry Lamana taking his final elevator ride projected itself on the screen of Scully's mind, and she was sure Mulder was seeing the same thing. "At the risk of stating the obvious, we seem to be stuck," she said with forced lightness, striving to cut the tension. "That seems to be a fair assessment of the situation," he agreed. "How would the Iron Maiden get out of this, Scully? Use her high heel to pry open the doors, perhaps?" He glanced down at her flats. "Make a note, Scully - you'll have to change your footwear." Scully frowned. She really wished Mulder would drop the "Iron Maiden" thing. His sense of humor was admittedly bizarre, but usually much more sophisticated than these juvenile cracks. He was probably just tired and pissed off, like her, but still - she didn't go around making Spooky jokes, did she? Unless he wasn't really joking. Surely Mulder wouldn't pigeonhole Scully like that. He understood the importance of maintaining a certain professional distance in front of others, a professional facade - hell, he did the same thing, although she was quickly learning to see right through it. She had to remind herself that, though they worked together every day, backing each other up in life or death situations - that's what partnership is about, after all - they were still learning one another, working out the kinks. Working out the kinks. Sapphire eyes narrowed speculatively. "So, Mulder - you ever do it in an elevator?" He thinly avoided spraying a puddle of Pepsi at her sensibly-clad feet. "You mean - done it, done it?" he gurgled through a mouthful of surprise and syrupy fizz. She declined her pointed chin in a single nod. "Yes. Had sexual relations. Fornicated. Done the nasty. Whatever your semantical preference." He had stopped sputtering, but his eyes remained wide, his lips pursed in a small "oh." Somehow he reminded her of a puffer fish. She fought down a triumphant grin. Mulder had a wonderfully nimble mind, but it was still a male mind. Was it because most guys put everything out there on the surface that they took one look at a woman and thought they had her sized up? No appreciation for hidden depths. In this sense Mulder's profiling skills made him even worse - he looked at her beige suit and practical shoes and thought he knew about everything from her childhood fear of clowns to what she'd eaten for breakfast. Well, okay - on that particular morning she'd dropped some oatmeal on her lapel, but still - She deserved to exact a little revenge. Mulder had no right to assume she was so one-dimensional. Boring, responsible, by-the-book Dana Scully. Good Catholic daddy's girl, note- taker, coloring within the lines and adhering rigidly to protocol. Blech. That Iron Maiden remark had stung more than she cared to admit, and now she was enjoying watching her partner squirm. It was a rather simple, lowbrow pleasure, but how else was one to amuse oneself while trapped in a six-by-four rectangle? Other than the obvious, of course. Scully decided to make herself comfortable and enjoy the show. She lowered herself to the floor of the elevator and slipped off her shoes. "Um, well - " Mulder swallowed hard and licked his lips. "No, I can't say that I have. Ah - have you, Scully?" She let her head loll lazily against the wall and regarded him through slitted eyes. "Sure," she said laconically, as if she meant, "Sure, Mulder, I filed those forms," or, "Sure, Mulder, I'd like a latte." Mulder stared as if she'd suddenly stated that she was one of those precious E.B.E.s he was forever chasing. He opened his mouth, closed it; opened, closed. Finally he put his hands on his hips and stared at the floor. She understood his predicament: he was itching with curiosity, but couldn't very well ask for details. Which was just as well, really, since she was making this up as she went along. Although she was tempted to feed him a story about too much tequila and a deserted academic building with a faulty elevator one night at the University of Maryland - would girl on girl be over the top? - it would be wiser to refrain. She satisfied herself by smiling mysteriously. She knew she was in trouble when the expression on his face began to alter. His eyes narrowed ever so subtly, and she felt a tingle of nerves in the pit of her stomach. Was that his profiling face? "I don't believe you," he said flatly. Shit, that was his profiling face. She bristled and hoped her cheeks hadn't flushed. "A lady doesn't kiss and tell, Mulder. I'm not going to give you the blow-by-blow." God damn, she'd left herself wide open for a thousand raunchy comebacks! She realized her mistake immediately, but before she could rectify it, he said, "Oh, is that all it was? I thought you meant actual sex, not oral. Blow-by-blow - did you have multiple partners? How big wwwas this elevator?" She had automatically stiffened her posture when she sensed the attack approaching, and sat ramrod straight as she responded, "It is when I do it." "Huh?" She watched him try to rewind everything he'd just said, but he still looked bewildered. "Oral sex," she clarified coolly. "It's 'actual sex' when I do it." He was obviously rattled again; in fact, there were beads of sweat dotting his forehead and upper lip - and it wasn't that hot. Good, she thought spitefully. "I wouldn't know." He loosened his tie even further and popped open the top button of his dress shirt. "I've never been on the receiving end. I mean, uh -" "I know what you meant." Not many men had been on the receiving end - not her receiving end - but she didn't have to tell him that. "Would you like to?" The bored, casual tone of her voice shocked her almost as much as the words flying out of her mouth - still, not as much as they shocked him, apparently. "Jesus, Scully!" Mulder exclaimed. "You can't just - just say something like that, especially when we're in a confined space." He defensively crossed his arms over his chest, but could do nothing to hide the obvious effect of her words on his anatomy. He pouted sulkily, looking as if she'd just attacked him - which in a way she had, Scully supposed. With his drooping mouth, stiffly crossed arms, and impudent erection, the picture he presented was actually quite ridiculous - and alarmingly endearing. She smothered a smile behind her palm. "You're my partner," he continued indignantly. He turned as if to pace and was met with the sealed elevator doors. Scully tucked her knees under her chin and regarded his tense back. "Of course I am," she said softly, relenting momentarily. "But I'm also a normal human female, Mulder, not an android." Her tone metamorphosed, lost its sweetness and turned feline. "So, was that a no?" Mulder pivoted slowly to face her. His trousers looked tighter than they had a moment ago. His eyes locked on hers with frightening intensity. "Scully," he said, voice very low, "you haven't ever had sex in an elevator." Almost unconsciously she rose to her knees. "Want me to prove it?" she countered. Her pulse was skittering rapidly. The rational part of her wanted to back down, admit that Mulder was right - but that was so predictable, so boring, and she had her pride, damn it. His steady gaze was making her much more uncomfortable than his hard-on, which, now that she thought about it, was just at eye level. She suddenly became aware of the ticking of her watch. Mulder's throat bobbed as he swallowed with difficulty. His focus slid from the crown of her head to her lipsticked mouth. Her tongue flicked out to moisten her suddenly dry lips, and his hips thrust forward involuntarily. They both gasped and Scully shrank back against the wall. Mulder had closed his eyes. His skin was tinted rose with embarrassment and he was breathing rapidly. "I don't suppose it's much of a secret that that's the most tempting offer I've heard in a long time," he said. "A very long time. But you don't have to prove anything to me, Scully. I concede. You've made your point. There's a lot about you I don't know." Scully bit her lip. "I lied," she whispered. "I just - I was trying to make a point." Mulder blew out a long breath and pursed his lips. He chuckled. "Well, point taken." The tension defused, he slumped down on the elevator floor beside her, arms and legs akimbo. His knee brushed the outside of her thigh. "Is it, though?" She sighed. "Usually I'm content to be Agent Scully, the good little soldier. But I don't want people to think that's all there is to me. Especially you, Mulder." Oddly, tears pricked at her eyes, and she tried to analyze what she was feeling. She was sincerely contrite - and, just maybe, a bit disappointed? His warm hand curved around her wrist where it rested on her knee. "Oh, Scully. You're just - layers upon layers. Every time I peel one back, I discover a dozen underneath - similar, on the surface, but actually a previously unknown entity, uncharted territory. Like an onion." She snorted. It was a sweet sentiment, but so Mulder. "An onion?" "I have the soul of a poet." A few moments passed in silence. Scully closed her eyes. Mulder's hand was warm and heavy on her knee. "Scully," he said suddenly, "is this about that Iron Maiden remark?" Internally she cringed. Her eyes blinked open to find him regarding her intently, his face too close to hers. "It is," he said. The light bulb in his brain had blinked on. "Kind of," she admitted, unaccountably ashamed. "Oh, Scully." He rubbed her knee in little soothing motions. "It was a stupid joke. You're always so unmoved by my sarcasm - I guess I think nothing can ever get under your skin." She nodded, fixated on his hand where it touched her. "That's the image I strive to project." She sought his eyes. "And it's true, for the most part. But you, Mulder, you get under my skin." "Is that a good thing or a bad thing?" Her hand covered his, thumb absently tracing a vein. "I - think it's a good thing. Today." Was that really her voice, sultry and teasing? Was that her palm pressing against her partner's chest, feeling rumpled cotton stretched over warm muscle? She watched her fingers slowly follow the row of buttons downward, creeping toward the point where they disappeared inside his grey wool trousers. He was breathing shallowly, rapidly; so, she realized, was she. "Right now, inside this elevator - it's a very good thing, Mulder." One tapered finger slipped between two buttons and scratched against his stomach. Mulder arched his back and hissed. One of his hands clutched her knee while the other pressed flat against the floor. "Mulder," she found herself sighing, her voice a sing-song replay of fifteen minutes earlier, "ever wanted to do it in an elevator?" He groaned and grabbed her hand, looking tortured. "Scully - I dimly remember having this conversationnn -" She was insane, that was all there was to it; but she continued, feeling strangely determined. "Not to prove anything, Mulder. Just - because." Her free hand began to work the cool leather of his belt and he shifted restlessly. She felt him trembling, but he released her hand; it went immediately to his zipper and began to draw it down. "Lie back - I'll do all the work." She moved between his legs and leaned forward, hair fanning against her cheeks. She grinned. "I'll give you the blow-by-blow, partner." "Jesus, Scully!" She felt reckless, wild - Mulder's cock, separated from her skin by the silky fabric of his boxers, pushed against her palm; he was holding his breath, straining toward her touch, her mouth, and she wanted to laugh from sheer exhilaration. Instead she reached inside his underwear and drew him out, felt him throb against her lifeline, and swooped forward, engulfing as much of him as she could. Mulder jerked once and was still; tension vibrated in his strong thigh muscles where his legs framed her torso. One hand rested on the top of her head; the other clumsily slipped inside her blazer to find a breast. The angle was awkward, and he was too focused for his technique to be anything to write home about, but his fumbling urgency was exciting. She stayed still, sucking gently, until he began to move against her in shallow, uncontrollable thrusts. "Scully," he gasped, "I can't - sorry -" She smiled around his girth. This was going to be too easy. Scully idly wondered how long it had been since someone had done this to him, for him. She was aroused, yes, but part of her remained the scientist, testing, observing. He couldn't hold still, but somehow etiquette that should have shamed a high school boy seemed charming on Mulder. Scully slurped messily, realizing that the finer points of her repertoire would be wasted on him at this juncture. What he needed now was something with roughly the suction of an Electrolux. Fingers tangled in her hair and clutched at her breast, and Mulder came with a shout and such force that the earth seemed to move. Odd, thought Scully, who had *not* come, until she realized that the earth was moving - or at least the elevator was. She met Mulder's gaze as she righted herself and tucked her hair behind her ears. He looked totally stunned, but began to make himself presentable with admirable speed as the elevator moved downward. Scully stood up and slipped her feet into her shoes. Having regained the power of speech, Mulder mused, "We're not stuck any more. Think that was the magic formula?" Scully smiled primly. "Oh, I don't know. One isolated incident doesn't provide enough information for me to form a reliable hypothesis. However, with further experimentation -" She shrugged philosophically. The elevator arrived at its final destination with a sedate chime. Scully sauntered through the open doors, the slightest of smiles gracing her face. She paused and glanced over her shoulder. Her eyes gleamed. "Next time," she vowed, "it's my turn." End 1/1