Title: The Look of Confusion Author: Spookyteacher Rating: G Category: TA Spoilers: Deep Throat Archive: Spooky Awards, Epehemeral, HOF are okay. I've already sent it to Gossamer via xfc-atxc. All other site managers who want to archive it-- please just e-mail me (spkyteach@aol.com) where you have it. I want to visit your very tasteful sites! Summary: Mulder's thoughts as he is released from the military base (end of Deep Throat). Mulder POV Feedback: Please send all comments to spkyteach@aol.com. Notes: The dust cover for this story, along with my other stories, can be found at my archive, http://www.geocities.com/spookyteacher (Spookyteacher's Classroom X). Disclaimer: Mulder, Scully, the Lone Gunmen, Skinner, Krycek, and the Smoking Man, et al, are the creative property of Chris Carter, Ten Thirteen Productions, and Fox Television. You guys have written them so well I can't resist having a go at it myself. I really am a classroom teacher, which is synonymous with POOR. Hint, hint... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The Look of Confusion by Spookyteacher ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Where am I? How did I get here? I'm so confused I remember a light Tall grass A yellow building And those teenagers Then suddenly I'm here On a road At the air base With armed guards And that newspaper guy And Scully is here When they pushed me out I was ready to scream Wanting to run far away But paralyzed with fear Until I saw that red hair She had such a look on her face It was determination Mixed with frustration And anger And relief I will always remember that look She went to the wall Over the line in fact To get me back I hope I can return the favor someday. Send feedback to spkyteach@aol.com