Title: Aftermath Author: BroMichael Archive: If anyone really would like to, certainly. Spoilers: Orison. Rating: PG - Subject content. Category: V, angst. Summary: Scully's thoughts following the episode. Feedback: I don't write fiction, so unless I get some, I might just inflict myself on you again. Disclaimer: I don't own any of the characters, nor do I intend to profit from their use. It was a shot I had been trained never to make, one that would have earned me a downcheck from my instructors at Quantico, in one of their innumerable scenarios. One that in different circumstances, would find me sitting in a cell, rather than huddled around a cup of tea in Mulder's comfortably cluttered living room, my body collapsed within itself, like a forgotten Raggedy Ann doll. Poor Mulder! For all the times that he has astonished me; his bizarre ideas and theories contravening those facts of science that I knew, (or thought I knew) I now see my attitudes reflected back, magnified ten fold. Nothing has prepared him for the past two hours and the actions of the partner he thought he understood and now he sits, on his worn leather couch, in the deafening silence that has enveloped this room. His lanky body is hunched forward, tense, anxious to do something - anything, for me (and himself) to make sense of what has happened, to help fathom the incomprehensible. It has been an hour, no, it has been fifty- one minutes, (somehow it is important to me to hold on to an exact time frame, to reassure myself that I have retained a sense of proportion and rationality) since we arrived at his apartment, a destination we intuitively agreed on, after he bustled me out of my apartment. His hand light and dry at its familiar resting place on the small of my back, guiding me through the flotsam and jetsam incidental to a shooting investigation, his posture aggressive, protective, oddly comforting; challenging anyone to interfere with our departure. That part of me that still functions normally, concludes that it is therefore two hours and twenty- six minutes since I made the shot; a reflection that causes another involuntary shiver to foment a small tsunami in my tea cup and Mulder to begin to rise to my aid, eyes questioning my needs - another blanket? - raise the ambient temperature? more tea? I can only shake my head and he sags back, frustrated that he is powerless, that his partner has again barred him from her emotional center, that repository of her essence, that she protects with all the skill and dedication of a junk yard dog. I know that I can still speak, that my action has not rendered me mute, I proved that, when we exchanged our colloquy in my bedroom; but that only served to twist my gut tighter, to quicken my breathing even more. How can I ever talk to this man again? Is there any way that I can regain his trust? More importantly, can I ever rely on myself again? What have I become? Words slice through my consciousness like daggers, "Murderer" "Rogue" "Torquemada" "Orison." Another tremor radiates outward and as much to shut out the pain in Mulder's face, as for any other reason, I close my eyes even as I shake my head and am transported back to my living room. Pfaster is there, as is Mulder, as am I, but the images are surrealistic, somehow frozen in my brain, I again tread into the room, as I have dozens of times in the past two hours. My weapon is in my hand, that Holy Grail of my obsession I crawled over broken glass to reach, the coppery taste of fear bitter in my mouth until I felt its hardness, its promise of life. My passage precise, simulating slow motion, legs bringing me forward, attuned as if by a metronome, to the blood coursing in my brain. Pfaster's face is turned towards me, he knows I will be there; I imagine that I can feel waves of heat radiating from him, that he is the gateway to the open bowels of hell; his eyes appear black, deep wells that contain - something, menacing, not readily identifiable, but which terrify me. My gun is up now, aimed, not at his center mass, but at the head, as if to shut those eyes forever. I can not look at Mulder, but I know he is there and that he knows what is going to happen, a human lesson in predestination, unable to alter what will be, uselessly, desperately, screaming at me not to fire. Now the thought becomes the deed: my brain commands, my finger obeys, Donnie Pfaster's head explodes in a shower of fragments and his body crashes to the floor. Now it is time to look at Mulder, I see the shock on his face, his fear for my safety, blending now with emerging anxiety for my sanity; the questions he aches to ask, stillborn on his lips, as his mind quests for answers. He precognitively does what is right for me, what must be, if I am to heal, his hand removes my weapon and gently lays it on the floor, then steers me into the kitchen. I am aware of everything, but utterly remote, an Olympian Deity, whose attention is briefly caught by an unfolding human drama; Mulder roughly pulls out one of the kitchen chairs and tenderly presses my body into it, I shiver, for the first time and he darts towards the spare bedroom, almost instantly I feel a shawl around my shoulders along with his lips feather light on the crown of my head, as he withdraws. I hear his voice, shaken and uncharacteristically tremulous, reporting the shooting to the D.C. police, then he is back, his presence silent, something to be noted, rather than commented on. As wailing sirens converge, Mulder's fingertips brush my cheek, then briefly caress my shoulder, as he returns to the living room to admit the police. Time passes, no one intrudes on my solitude, but I am aware of snatches of conversation; perhaps I am more attuned to his voice, or perhaps he is louder in protection, then the officers are in accusation, but most of these are Mulder's. "Justifiable" ..."Serial Killer" ... "No choice" ... "Self defense" ... "Formal statement tomorrow." Time passes, I dimly recognize that Mulder's voice has grown less strident and more relaxed, almost jocular and other voices register on my senses, "Blew that asshole AWAY!" "Big BRASS ones." and comprehend that it is time for me to leave. Mulder follows me into the bedroom cloaked in a mantle of concern, he talks of justification, of Biblical injunctions, of pending exculpatory statements, but he cannot give me the answers I seek, nor can he take away the ache that radiates from my stomach through my upper body. I open my eyes banishing the memories; Mulder's eyes are bright, intense, as frightened as I have ever seen them. He knows how close to the edge I am. I understand, that he would willingly join me on the precipice that I have been led to, but he can't and this may ultimately be my damnation. All he can do now, is to sit radiating empathy, somehow hoping that I will find my own path home. But I am unable to, I have charted a course that bisects Scylla and Charybdis. On the one side is vendetta, personal vengeance, murder and on the other- delusion. For if I have been wrong in what I believe; that I was meant to do precisely what I did, to purge the world of the evil that was encompassed in Donnie Pfaster, then I am equally lost, shipwrecked on a shore of fantasy, of psychotic desperation, whose only road leads to utter madness and despair. I know intuitively, that I can't navigate my way any longer, that if I am to be saved it can only be by my partner, my Odysseus, my Mulder and that the time for salvation is growing short, that soon I will be beyond redemption. Dear God, how many times have we fought this battle; a facade of strength and a terse "I'm fine, Mulder." my defense, to the siege engines he brings for his attempt to storm that castle of my repressed emotions, but this time is different. This time, if I win, I lose, EVERYTHING: my heart, my soul, sanity, integrity, self respect, career, Mulder... and yet, the bitter irony is that if I surrender, I lose equally. My salvation, if it is even possible, must be forged in the crucible of battle. For I know that I must rig the game, demand performance from Mulder greater than I can of myself, he must defeat me, to utterly shatter the walls that I have carefully constructed, but then as victory is at hand, he must instead be vanquished, help me to understand myself and allow my understanding to envelope him in his turn. He must somehow enter my heart, free that which I cannot and accept, what for him is the unacceptable and if he can not, if he falters, allows his basic sanity, to dictate his actions, then I know that I am lost, not only to him, but to myself. I draw a deep breath, that catches in my throat and Mulder takes it as permission to approach, he drops to his knees, gently holding my hands in his, eyes desperate in their intensity, as they search mine for the answer we both seek. Suddenly, there is something new in them and I permit myself a faint hope, as he sags back on his haunches. "Scully..." His words come out as a croak, after such a long interlude of silence and he wets his lips and tries again, this time more naturally. "Scully...." Now his eyes begin to glisten with moisture and I watch horrified as a tear rolls down his left cheek; have I damned my partner to the same hell that I may have consigned myself to? "I'm so sorry Scully." "Mulder ?" I am on my knees beside him, our hands now intertwined. "Scully, I've always asked you to have faith in me, in my theories, for seven years I have asked you to trust me, despite what your training and beliefs told you, but when I'm put to the test, I lost faith in you. I've spent the last two hours, rationalizing, justifying your behavior, something that I'm completely unequipped to do, I never listened to you, to what you were telling me." His eyes take on the look of a child, on his first visit to Santa Claus. "To what you were experiencing. Because I don't accept Religion, I shut out the possibility that what you believed was real, that God WAS speaking to you." "Mulder, I can't be sure." "And neither can I Scully, but isn't that the point of faith? To force us to choose? To allow ourselves to be overwhelmed, to give ourselves up to something bigger than we are? Ultimately to do that which is RIGHT, rather than allow your personal emotions to restrain our actions? "Mulder, I hated Donnie Pfaster." Now Mulder's face crinkles into the lopsided grin, that I love so much. "No Scully, you hated what he was and that's the difference. I hated Donnie Pfaster, for what he did to you, I wanted to shoot him, because of that hatred, because of what I felt; but you didn't; you did what you did because ..." I look my question. "Because of love, Scully, your love of goodness." Even as I shake my head, I began to feel the tension in my body ease. "Mulder, I'm not a saint." His laughter envelopes my body, soothing, relaxing. "Maybe not, but you'll do." I sag into his chest, weary, stress replaced by physical exhaustion. I know that I can sleep now. That I will heal, move on, accept, understand, put Donnie Pfaster behind me, but never forget and more importantly, that I can continue whatever journey I am on, with my partner alongside me and that is enough; my soul is intact.