Title: Fleeing the Great Bear Author: Waddles52 Rating: PG 13 Classification: MT Spoilers: Fill in the blank for Terma. Brief mention of The Host and End Game. Summary: We didn't get to see how Mulder managed to escape and make his way back to civilization. This fic is my take on that. Disclaimer: Not for profit. Just for fun. Since this episode had such a gaping hole in it, I felt it was my duty to fill it in. I did borrow some of the dialogue from Terma, written by Frank Spotnitz and Chris Carter. Archives: Please ask, but I usually say yes. Thanks: To Lisa for the beta and the title and to my husband for putting up with me while I watched and rewound my video a kazillion times to get the opening scene just right. The big, bearded man kicked the door open and threw the defenseless man into the simple hut where he landed in an undignified heap on the floor. "This son of a bitch ruined my truck!" The man shouted vehemently in Russian, disgust and anger evident in his voice. A woman quickly moved from the table where she had been reading by the light of a kerosene lamp and helped the unexpected visitor stand and make his way to the table where he slumped into a chair. "Be careful with him. He's hurt." The woman admonished the man, her gentle hands checking him for injuries. Fox Mulder caught his breath and was thankful that he had at least been thrown into a building, allowing the slightest bit of warmth to seep into his body in many hours. He was surprised to be there at all. He had been sure that the irate truck driver would take him directly back to the gulag as soon as he had been pulled from his hiding place under the dead leaves on the forest floor. The bearded man continued to speak as the woman fetched their visitor something to drink. "We can't keep him here. They're looking for him." "You shouldn't bring him here if you don't want me to take care of him." The woman looked at the shivering man sympathetically as he drank greedily from the tin cup. "He's not staying!" The man walked outside and angrily slammed the door. "Kak va za voot?" The woman kindly asked what his name was as she began to examine the wound on his head. "No Russian." Mulder shivered. "American?" "Tell your husband I'm sorry about his truck." Pain and exhaustion were evident in his voice. She examined Mulder's arm, lifting his sleeve to reveal the needle puncture site. It was red and inflamed and had been a source of agony since he had awakened in his cell with the memory of the black oil pouring onto his face. "The test?" "Yeah." Mulder was relieved that she could speak English. He shivered again. Even though they were inside there was very little heat. He could see their breath in white swirls as they spoke. She sighed and shook her head. "They kill everybody for the test." "Why don't they kill you?" "My husband makes deliveries. They spare our lives, but now . . .no truck . . .he is afraid." The woman seemed almost apologetic as she answered. "I have to go now." Mulder knew he must leave and soon. "No." "They'll come looking for me. They'll come looking for you." The FBI agent knew he was a danger to them. He didn't know how far he would get in his present condition, still reeling from the effects of the test and the truck crash. Throw in a little exposure and he was feeling decidedly ill, but the safety of this kind woman was more important. "No, there are other ways." Mulder's tired mind couldn't grasp what she was saying. "I don't know what you are talking about. What other ways?" "Grisha!" the woman called. A haggard looking young boy of about 13 entered from the back room, his shirt tied in a knot below the remains of his left arm. "No arm. No test." Mulder gasped, his eyes growing wide with horror. "Dear God, no! That poor boy," he thought as he tried to come up with the words to make her see. "You don't understand . . .these tests. The smallpox scar on your arm is some kind of identification. You have to help me escape. I'll help you escape. You have to help me get to St. Petersburg." The door crashed open and Mulder spun around to see the truck driver standing in the doorway, a large knife in his hand. A look of fear passed over the American's face as the man fingered the weapon. He made his way over to Mulder and threw the knife on the table. "Since you have stolen my livelihood, my protection," he spat, "It is only right that you should also be the one to take my arm." Mulder's face registered shock. He shook his head no despite the pain that lanced through it. "Yuri, no!" The woman scrambled from her chair and embraced him. "He can help us. Please give him a chance." She led him to the table where he sank into a chair, defeat etched in his features. "What is your name, American, and what can you do to get us out of this hell hole?" XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX Mulder rested on the rickety bed in the back room, wrapped in a thin blanket thinking that he would never feel warm again. They had dined on a watery vegetable stew and the black bread that was common to the area. Though much better than the roach-infested gruel at the gulag, it had still fallen short of filling him up. These people led a hard life made even more difficult by the fear forced upon them by the conspirators and their experiments. He shivered again as he heard Anna and Grisha gathering the meager supplies they would be taking on their hastily planned journey. Yuri had talked a friend into transporting them as far as he felt he safely could in his battered, old, pick-up truck. From there they would have to walk a fair distance until they could catch a train into St. Petersburg. Yuri came in, urging them to hurry. Mulder took that as a signal to haul his weary body from the bed. His head was pounding, whether from plain exhaustion or the tests he had no idea. He was only aware of the relentless pain behind his eyes and an ache in every joint in his body. He stumbled and was surprised to find Yuri quickly at his side, steadying him as he tried to catch his breath. "American, come. We must hurry. The sun is going down and it is best to drive at night. Bring the blanket. We will be riding in the back of the truck." Mulder wearily followed him out to the truck where Anna and Grisha were already squeezed into the cab. Yuri climbed up into the bed of the truck and extended his hand to Mulder. He gladly took it and sank onto the pallet that had been arranged in the bed of the truck. He closed his eyes and Yuri pounded on the grimy back window. "Pavel, let's go. The Quadavitch family is leaving this hell hole!" Mulder heard the roar of the engine and felt the truck bounce over the rough terrain, rattling his battered and abused body. Despite the discomfort, he was sleeping before they had gone a mile, hoping not to dream of the black oil on his face crawling into his nose and eyes, a deep shiver going through him at the thought. He awoke with a start when he realized the truck was no longer moving. It was daylight, probably late afternoon he judged, noting the position of the sun. He had been asleep for almost twenty-four hours! How was it that he still felt so weak and tired? Yuri climbed into the bed of the truck. "American, come. Pavel must go home now and we must walk to the train station. Get your blanket and follow me." Mulder did as he was told, dizziness nearly knocking him to his knees when he jumped off the truck. Once again, Yuri was there to steady him. "We must walk until the sun goes down. Are you able?" Mulder nodded yes wearily and followed Yuri into the forest where Grisha and Anna waited. They rose when the two men entered the small clearing. Without another word they began to travel west. When it was almost dark Yuri finally called a halt to their trek for the day and Mulder was grateful. He slid to the ground beside a huge tree and propped himself up with the trunk as a backrest, feeling the last ounce of strength leaving his body. The FBI agent could only remember one other time when he was this exhausted. Waking up in the hospital in Alaska had been catalogued with his good memories. Scully had been by his side and he recalled the huge smile plastered on her face when he finally came out of the coma. They shared a few words before he was overcome with unbearable fatigue. Now, he was experiencing that same feeling without Scully and her smile. Oh, how he missed her! "American!" Mulder's thoughts were interrupted when Yuri pushed a hunk of bread into his hands. Next came a jug of water. He drank greedily and once again rested against the tree, picking off small pieces of the bread to eat. He was almost too tired to swallow. He put the bread in his lap and a small groan escaped before he could even think about stopping it. Anna was immediately at his side, her soft, warm hand taking his in concern. With his eyes shut for a second he could almost believe. "Mulder?" "Mmm." He couldn't get his mouth to work. All his body knew now was the relentless pain from his head, his aching joints and the fire of the injection site. He wrapped the blanket tightly around his body as he shivered, more from his fever than the cold. "Drink this," Anna ordered, putting a small jar of clear fluid in his trembling hand. He tilted it up and swallowed a small sip, surprised at the liquid fire traveling down into his stomach. Vodka! Very strong vodka! He began to choke and sputter, then relaxed as a warm feeling took over his entire body. "Thanks," he managed as Anna felt his forehead. "You have fever." Mulder shook his head in agreement. That effort cost him as shards of pain sliced through his head. "Another swallow." Anna pointed at the jar of vodka. He complied, this time managing to get it down without choking. With shaking hands he returned the jar to her, amazed that he hadn't spilled it. He watched as the kind woman spread a blanket on the ground and beckoned him to lie down. Mulder accepted her invitation and moved over to the pallet. Surprise registered on his face when she sat beside him and began to massage his temples. Yuri and Grisha looked on knowingly as he began to relax under her ministrations. Soon the pain was more manageable and his eyes began to close, the vodka still warming him from the inside helping to wash away some of the discomfort. XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX If he thought he was tired the night before, he quickly realized how wrong he had been. After walking since dawn with only a few brief stops, he found a whole new meaning to the sensation. Yuri called a halt when the train station came into view. "American, we'll catch the first train out, but we will probably have to wait until morning. Do not talk out loud. You'll draw attention to us. Just pretend to be ill and let Anna take care of you." Mulder nodded carefully. He wouldn't have to act. He was ill. The station was small, furnished with six long benches. Anna motioned for him to lie down and put his head on her lap. She whispered to him soothingly in her native tongue as Yuri and Grisha went to purchase the tickets. "We had a few coins saved and Yuri begged our friends for the rest. We have good friends," she smiled as she switched back to English. "I'll repay you when we reach St. Petersburg," the exhausted man whispered back. "Rest. We still have a long journey on the train." When she looked down the man's eyes were closed. She felt sorry for him, but he'd been lucky to escape. He would be weak and ill for a while from the testing, but it could have been much worse. Many died the first time. Anna couldn't help but wonder what would become of them when they reached St. Petersburg. She hoped she hadn't been wrong in trusting the American. After Yuri and Grisha returned with the tickets, Anna left Mulder to find a place of her own to sleep on the hard bench, first making sure he was as comfortable as possible, careful not to disturb him as she moved. She needn't have worried. The American slept the sleep of the dead. XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX Where had the nighttime hours gone? Once again Mulder found that he had slept straight through and still felt like hell when he woke up. He looked around, hoping to locate the facilities, and found Yuri pointing outside, a huge grin on his face. The truck driver motioned for him to follow and Mulder soon found himself outside facing the foulest smelling outhouse in the world. The flukeman and the sewers of New Jersey paled in comparison. Yuri motioned for him to go first and the FBI agent soon found himself inside, vomiting everything that he had put into his stomach since the gulag. The nausea had been threatening off and on since the gulag, and the heaving of his stomach brought the headache back full-force. Explosions of pain burst behind his eyes. Weakness finally overtook him and he sank to his knees, still vomiting. Mulder felt a large pair of hands on his shoulders, holding him steady. Yuri! Who would have thought that the angry, tough truck driver image was really a cover-up for a kind, compassionate man? When the stomach spasms eventually stopped, the Russian helped the federal agent to his feet and practically carried him to the train where Anna was pressed back into service as a nurse. "You must seek a doctor when we arrive in the city," she ordered, reaching to feel his forehead. "No," Mulder answered softly, trying to make himself comfortable in their private car. Thank goodness Yuri and his friends had enough money to splurge on the last leg of the trip. Anna rummaged around in her bag and came up with some water. Mulder turned down her offer and pulled the blanket around his shoulders as tightly as he could. His stomach began to roll again and he swallowed, barely managing to keep it under control. The shivering began in earnest again as the train blew its whistle and began to slowly build up speed. A doctor in St. Petersburg was beginning to look better and better. "How long . . .Petersburg?" A particularly violent chill shook him, taking some of his words. "About 30 hours with many stops," Anna supplied. "Sorry, but it's the only train available." "Don't apologize. It's fine, better than I expected. Would've died . . .without . . .help." Little black dots began to swim in his vision, followed by a roaring sound in his ears. Mulder knew that feeling. He managed to choke out a strangled plea for help before he slumped over, landing limply in Anna's arms. XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX The train was still moving but the motion wasn't bothering him as much as it had at first. His mouth felt like it was full of cotton and the injection site on his arm was sending out sharp pain signals. The ever-present headache seemed to have improved a bit. He decided to try and sit up but only managed a pitiful groan when the pain assaulted his joints. "Mulder, you mustn't try to move." The agent managed to pry his eyes open and found that his head was once again in Anna's lap. "What happened?" "You passed out. Your fever has been very high. How are you feeling now?" "A little better." "Yuri searched the train for a doctor and found one in the next car. He said you have to drink. You have an infection in your arm and something with your head, a cushion, I think." Anna looked exasperated. "My English . . .sorry, I don't know all the words." "It's fine. The word is concussion. Must've got it when I crashed the truck." "Mmph." That was evidently still a sore point with Yuri. "The doctor put an injection in your hip and left these tablets to take." Anna shook a white tablet into her hand from a small envelope. "He says it is most important to take them. Without . . .you could lose your arm or worse." Since he didn't like either alternative, Mulder took the pill and drank a good portion of the water that was offered by the Russian woman. "Now, rest. We still have many hours before we reach the city." "Yuri, thank you." "Don't worry about it, American. Just be sure to carry out your end of the bargain." "I will." Mulder's eyelids began to droop and no amount of effort on his part could keep them open. Later Anna once again expressed her worry about Mulder to her husband. Yuri admitted that he was worried too, not only for the man's health but also for their own well-being. If the American was unable to help them, the little Russian family was stranded. There was no turning back. His wife chided him for thinking that way. "He is a good man. I can feel it." Mulder shifted in his sleep and moaned, but didn't wake up. Anna felt his forehead once again. "His fever is still high. Look in my bag, Grisha. I need a handkerchief. Yuri, would you soak it with water, please?" She took the wet cloth from her husband and began to bathe Mulder's pale, sweat soaked face. "Sc . . .Scully?" He appeared disoriented as he looked around. "Where? Scully?" "Shh, you're safe, Mulder. We're on our way to St. Petersburg." "Anna?" "Yes, it's Anna. How are you feeling?" "Feel bad . . .cold, thirsty." "Yuri will get you some more water." She continued to bathe his face until her husband handed her a water bottle. "Here, take a few sips." Mulder tried to raise his head and found that he was too weak to manage it. Yuri reached over and held him up while Anna tilted the bottle so he could drink. "Thanks." "More?" "Not now." "How is your pain?" Mulder took a quick inventory and found that there wasn't much improvement. "Same . . .hurts." "You should rest some more. We are about half-way there and you will need your strength when we reach the city." "Our money is almost gone. We will have to walk to your embassy," Yuri supplied, watching his wife minister to the stranger. "'Kay, I'll make it." "Yes, you are a strong man to escape the gulag, but a little more rest wouldn't hurt," Anna decided. Mulder agreed. He was going to need a lot of rest just to make it off the train. Several hours later Anna shook Mulder awake. "It is time to take more medicine." He made a face but dutifully took the tablet and swallowed almost half a bottle of water. "Thanks. How much longer?" "Maybe ten hours. You still have time to rest." Mulder shook his head no and pushed himself up. "I need to sit up for a while." He looked around and saw that Yuri and Grisha were gone. "My men were restless. They went for a walk." She reached up to feel the agent's forehead. "Your fever is better." "I feel a little stronger," he volunteered, flexing his left arm with a wince. "Still sore, but improving." "That is good. Have you thought . . .what your plans are when we reach the city?" "If you have enough money for a pay phone I can make a call, get us some transportation." "We have enough," she assured him, rubbing his shoulder in a comforting, yet familiar way. He found her world-weary eyes and held them with his own. "Anna, I know you're worried, but I wouldn't lie to you. I can get someone to help you start over in a different place." "America?" "I can't promise that, but somewhere nice where you won't have to worry about the tests." He hoped there was such a place. "How will we support ourselves?" Mulder was forced to smile at her persistence. She reminded him so much of Scully. "You'll take on new names and identities. A job or training will be provided, but until you're ready to make it on your own you'll receive assistance in the form of food, money and transportation." Anna looked relieved and her eyes held a flicker of hope, but she was still curious. "Do you think I could become a nurse?" He gave her a tired smile. "I don't see why not. You're a natural." The agent's voice was getting weaker, the conversation sapping his strength. Anna quickly recognized his distress. She took him by the shoulders and helped him ease down until he was flat on his back once again. "Sorry," he gasped. "You say sorry too much." She tucked the blanket around him and smiled. "Sor . . .right, I do." "Rest now." XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX Mulder woke to the sounds of anguished screams. He attempted to look around, to figure out where he was, but found that he was unable to move. Something was pressing down on him, holding him in place. The wails grew louder as a black substance began to drip from a pipe above. Shit! He was back at the gulag! What had happened to Anna and Yuri? He found himself praying that they would leave Grisha alone. A drop of the black, oily substance landed on his nose. He tried to avoid the liquid, struggling against the chicken wire holding him in place to no avail. Soon his screams joined with the others. Something heavy clamped onto his shoulders, forcing him to open his eyes and see what new torture was being inflicted on him. His vision was blurry due to the black oil that had fallen into his eyes, but he thought he could make out several figures. They were talking but sounded far away. His heart racing, breath ragged in his ears, he forced himself to listen to what was being said. Someone was shaking him and he tried desperately to avoid his grasp. "Nononono!" "Wake up! Mulder! You are worse?" Yuri questioned, quickly withdrawing his hand upon seeing the sick man's distress. His eyes were wild, his breath labored, obviously somewhere else entirely. It wasn't too difficult to guess what dreams held the pale American in their grip. Mulder took a few seconds to orient himself before he answered. "Bad dream." He pushed up from his reclining position, tearing away the blanket that was cocooning his body. He wiped the perspiration from his face with a corner of the cover. "Hot." Yuri handed him a bottle of water. "Don't drink too much. That is the only bottle left." Mulder took a couple of gulps and screwed the top back on. "Where's Anna?" "With the boy trying to buy some food." Mulder nodded his understanding and suddenly felt uncomfortable when he found Yuri staring at him. "Yuri, what's wrong?" "You told Anna she could be a nurse. That has been her dream since she was a girl. You do not tell her lies about that?" "No, Yuri. I didn't lie. If that's what she wants to do I'll make sure she has a chance to go back to school." "I'll hold you to that. She has made many sacrifices. Too many. It is time for her to have a good life." "I couldn't agree more," Mulder assured him, lying back against the seat with a sigh. The door began to open and both men tensed, expecting the gulag goons to have found them. Both sighed in relief as Anna and Grisha walked in. He held several sandwiches in his remaining hand while Anna brought up the rear bearing oranges. The men smiled and made room for the scavengers. The sandwiches were simple fare, some kind of fruit preserves on buttered bread. The oranges were a true delight. Plump and juicy, they were just sweet enough to leave them wanting more. "Sorry, but I had to keep back money for the phone. I couldn't afford more." "That's okay, Anna," Mulder smiled. "We'll have a good meal in St. Petersburg. This will tide us over nicely." "How are you feeling? The fever is better?" "Yes, I think so. My arm feels better and I don't ache as much." He made an effort to stand up but sank back weakly. "Guess I feel worse than I thought," The FBI agent sighed and tried to regain his footing once again. This time Yuri was there to steady him. "You need the restroom?" The big Russian had noticed Mulder's fidgeting while they ate. "Yes, I do." "Then I will go with you in case someone tries to speak to you. Your Russian is not good." "My Russian is non-existent," Mulder grinned. "I was trying to be polite," Yuri grinned back. The walk through the train helped to clear some of the cobwebs from his head. Though still somewhat weak, Mulder realized that he was feeling much better. The fever was gone and the joint pain was just a dull ache. He winced as he moved his left arm. It was still pretty painful, but bearable. Right now he'd almost kill for a shower, but that would have to wait. When they returned to their compartment, Grisha began to ask Mulder questions in halting English. Shy at first, after a few minutes the Russian youth was bombarding him with inquiries about food, sports, clothing and any other thing he could think of concerning his new life. "Grisha, I hope you get to live in the Washington, D.C. area because I'd really like to take you to some college and professional ball games." The FBI agent smiled kindly. Grisha nodded his approval then a wistful look took over his features as he looked at what remained of his arm. Mulder noticed the change of expression and could tell that the boy was thinking of all the activities that he could never experience. Before saying anything else, Mulder took a few moments to choose his words carefully then decided that he didn't need to be so cautious. His father had left the major portion of his estate to him and he would make it happen,period! A warm feeling spread through his chilled bones at the thought. Something good would come of this whole, evil mess if nothing else. "Grisha, as soon as you get settled, no matter where you live, you will be the owner of a new, state-of- the-art prosthesis." There, his promise was out in the open. The little Russian family looked confused. Although their conversational English was quite good, their vocabulary was rather limited. "What that means is that Grisha will have the finest artificial arm available." The looks of confusion turned to cries of joy as Anna hugged Mulder tightly. Yuri clapped him soundly on the back while tears of happiness flowed from Grisha's eyes. Mulder noted sadly that it was the first time he had seen them truly happy since he had met them. He hoped that he could be responsible for keeping that grin on their faces. That money was just sitting around drawing interest. It was only right that his inheritance should be used to help right some of the wrongs his father had caused, even if the older Mulder hadn't been directly involved. "Mulder, you're sure?" Yuri asked cautiously. "You have my word," Mulder promised solemnly. The next few hours were spent resting. Mulder first listened to their excited chattering in Russian then nodded off. He felt someone gently shake his shoulder, rousing him. "Wake up, Mulder." The tired traveler yawned and stretched as Anna's face came into focus. "What? Is it time?" "We will be there in about an hour," Anna informed him. "How are you feeling?" Once again he took stock of his physical state. The omni-present headache had faded to a dull throb behind his eyes. Once so stiff and sore that every bounce of the train had caused intense pain, his joints were almost back to normal. No fever, chills or nausea could be detected leaving only one more area to analyze, his left arm. After cautiously flexing it, the American smiled. "Everything is much better. Thank you for taking care of me. I think I would have died if you hadn't taken me in and nursed me back to health." "Perhaps it wouldn't have been that terrible on your own, but we were happy to assist." The last hour of travel was spent planning what he would say to his United Nations contact, Marita Covarrubias. Normally able to make his wishes known to others quite easily, Mulder realized that the wellbeing of his rescuers depended on his ability to convince his contact that they deserved asylum. XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX Mulder leaned back and relaxed for the first time in days. Of course, the luxurious limousine made that a lot easier. He opened the bar and looked over the offerings. Settling on bottled orange juice, his thoughts went to the Quadavitch family. They were traveling in another fancy car heading for a different embassy. Even though his U.N. contact had promised eventual relocation in the United States, she felt it would be much safer to split up at the train station. He sighed and twisted the cap off the orange juice and drained it in a few swallows. He really needed the Vitamin C after his adventures. Disposing of that bottle, he quickly searched the bar for another. His illness had left him slightly dehydrated and his body was demanding that its fluids be replenished. The cold liquid went down easily. Hopefully it wouldn't take him too long to reclaim his ID and passport from the American embassy. Mulder's body was reminding him of the lack of proper food, water and sanitary conditions that he had suffered through over the past few days. Krycek entered his thoughts, unbidden and unwelcome. He vowed to find that son of a bitch and punish him for all the indignities he'd suffered since his arrival on Russian soil and after that he'd punish him some more for killing his father and the part he played in Melissa's death and Scully's abduction. Scully. How he missed her. He couldn't wait to get back to D.C. and give her a hug, grateful that he was still alive and had two arms to do it. There was so much to tell her. XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX Three months later Mulder entered the basement office after raiding the snack cart upstairs. Scully hung up the phone as he laid a bagel in front of her. "That was security, Mulder. It seems that you have some visitors," Scully stated. "Oh? That's odd. No one ever visits me. Did the officer give a name?" "He said it was the Smirnoff family and they spoke with heavy Russian accents." Mulder's eyes lit up. "Scully, come with me. You've got to meet these people. They're the ones who literally saved my life in Russia. My contact came through and managed to get them to the states and get them new identities." "I'd love to meet them, Mulder." Scully rose from her seat and pulled on her jacket. "I'd like to thank them for bringing you back to me." She smiled broadly and cupped his left cheek with her hand, savoring his beautiful eyes and smile, realizing how close she had come to loosing him yet again but for the kind people they were about to meet. Several emotions sifted through his gaze and then she smiled again Mulder paused then opened the door for her. Their hands met unconsciously, the light pressure of her squeezing his hand suddenly made his face break out in a smile too. "I'm so glad they did." The agents made their way to the elevator, Mulder gently guiding Scully with his hand at her back. End