Title: No More Waiting Author: MeGgiE_42 Disclaimer: Not mine, wish they were. :P E-mail: dreamland_1013@hotmail.com Rating: PG Classification: MSR, Angst Spoilers: Takes place right where Per Manum left off Summary: "Scully you can't give up. There are other ways; we won't stop trying." XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX "Never give up on a miracle." For a long time they just stood there, Mulder holding Scully in his arms as she cried. He'd never seen her so vulnerable, and it made his heart break. She was the strong one, the one who kept him sane, his best friend and partner. She was his life and Scully didn't deserve this. Suddenly, he realized what he had to do. "Scully--" his voice was barely above a whisper, and when it caught in his throat, he pulled her close against him. The pain in his heart was almost unbearable. Mulder had never known anything could hurt so much. "I'm so sorry." Almost unconsciously, he let his hands sooth up and down her back. Scully didn't move, just let herself be held. She seemed so small, so fragile in his arms. Mulder quickly pushed the thought away because it scared him. Even though he knew she was exactly where she needed to be at the moment, Mulder was somewhat surprised that Scully hadn't pulled away from him yet. But after a long moment, she pulled back to look at him. The sadness and complete exhaustion he saw in her eyes killed him all over again. "Mulder, it's not your fault," Scully managed to say, trying her best to smile. It wasn't working. She wiped at her tears, and began to pull away, but he wasn't about to let her go. Scully had finally let down that steadfast wall she'd built around her emotions, and he wasn't about to let her begin building it again. Gently, Mulder led his partner to the couch and sat her down. He still held onto her hand, as he gently said, "Scully, you don't deserve this." "I should have just accepted it and moved on," she said quietly, staring blankly at a nonexistent spot on the floor. Without saying a word, Mulder gathered his tiny partner into his lap, feeling a tear escape down his cheek, despite his best efforts to hold it back. Scully didn't resist, allowing Mulder to fold his arms around her as she collapsed against his chest. He kissed the top of her head before resting his chin there. Seeing Scully like this terrified him, and for a few minutes, Mulder couldn't speak. Finally, he found his voice. "Scully you can't give up. There are other ways; we won't stop trying." Mulder paused, holding his breath, hoping he hadn't gone too far. He needed her to know that she wasn't alone; that he would do anything for her no matter what. He desperately needed her to know how he felt, and wanted to finally know the same from her. But Mulder was too afraid to ask. One wrong move and everything he held dear in his life could come crashing down. Scully shifted to meet his gaze, and Mulder knew that he had to tell her. She deserved to know, and holding it in for so long was eating him alive. He bit his lip, taking a deep breath and trying to ignore the rapid beating of his own heart. "Scully--" Seeing her grief-stricken look gave him the courage to continue. Mulder gently took her face in his hands, making her meet his gaze as he said quietly, earnestly, "Scully, I love you. I always have." He desperately searched her eyes, wanting her to know the depth of his words. "And I would do anything for you. I hope you know that." If he wasn't so scared, Mulder might have laughed at the priceless look on his partner's face. He caught her runaway tear with his thumb, attempting a lopsided grin as he held his breath waiting for Scully's next words. For a long moment, she just stared at him, an expression he couldn't quite read filtering through her tear stained cheeks. Mulder swallowed hard, fighting off the urge to speak. When Scully finally did, her voice was barely a whisper. "Mulder," she laid her head back on his chest, closing her eyes and wrapping her arms around his neck. He felt her choke back a sob as she hugged him tightly. "You already have." He didn't know whether to be relieved or depressed. Mulder held onto Scully as if both their lives depended on it. For all he knew, it did. He'd finally done it, told her how he felt, but did she feel the same? What if she didn't? Could his heart stand the truth? Scully must have sensed his tension, because she pulled back to look at him. Mulder knew his panic face was in full force, and a horrible feeling of dread overcame him, when his partner smiled sympathetically, and cupped his face in her hands. "Scully--" He stopped when she placed a gentle finger on his lips. This was it. There was no turning back now. He knew the next words out of Scully's mouth would either make him the happiest man in the world, or doom him to a fate worse than any government conspiracy could produce. "Mulder," Scully finally said, pausing to take a breath when her voice caught. "When the doctor told me that there was a possibility that I would still have a child; when he asked if I had someone in mind, I realized...I finally understood that there was only one man I could ever want to start a family with." She blinked back tears and searched his gaze. "Mulder, I love you. It just took me a while to realize that I always have." For a second, he couldn't believe his ears. Had he just heard what he thought he had? Had Scully, *his* Scully just told him that he was The One? That she loved him? His partner's laughter broke Mulder from his reverie, and he couldn't help the grin that spread across his face. Mulder pulled Scully into his arms, crushing her in a fierce hug, and feeling like a million ton weight had just been lifted off his shoulders. When he finally let her pull back, his face hurt from smiling. He wasmore than glad to see the same expression mirrored on his partner's face. "Mulder, what took us so long?" she asked as he took her hand in his, brushing a kiss across her knuckles. "What were we waiting for?" "I don't know Scully," he answered honestly. "I guess we're both too stubborn, and neither of us can stand being wrong." Mulder grinned wryly, adding to himself, 'or letting the other know when we're scared, or how we really feel'. For the life of him though,he didn't know why. They'd trusted each other on everything else. Mulder suddenly remembered why he was there in the first place, and sobered. He'd meant every word when he said that Scully deserved more than this. Feeling nauseous with nervous anticipation, Mulder made himself muster up the courage to do the scariest thing he'd ever done--which he knew was saying a lot for 'Spooky' Mulder. Keeping hold of Scully's hand, Mulder gently tucked a stray lock of auburn hair behind her ear. When he spoke, his voice was full of honest emotion. "Scully, I don't wait any more." He pleaded with her eyes, knowing in his heart she understood. "I meant what I said. I promise you I won't give up if you won't." A tear slid down Mulder's cheek. He hadn't noticed he was crying. Scully caught the tear with her index finger, letting her own fall freely. She opened her mouth to speak, but it was Mulder's turn to stop her. He had to do this while he still had the courage. "Marry me, Scully." He spoke so softly, for a split second, Mulder wasn't sure if he'd actually said it out loud. From the look on Scully's face, she wasn't either. He grinned, kissed her hand again before placing it against his heart, and more confidently added, "It's ridiculous to go on living like we are. We've wasted too much time already." Scully seemed to be in a state of shock, so Mulder grinned, and, gently guiding her off his lap and onto the seat next to him, and got down on one knee. "Dana Katherine Scully, will you marry me?" The visual aid to his words seemed to finally get through to her, and Scully suddenly burst out laughing. It was not a reaction Mulder was expecting, nor was he prepared for what happened next. His normally reserved, business-like partner, suddenly jumped up, and flew into his arms. He let out a confused laugh, hugging her back. "I take that as a yes?" Mulder didn't want to let go, but loosened his grip enough for Scully to pull back to look him in the eye. "Yes, Mulder." Scully whispered, bringing her lips to his in a slow, sweet kiss. "I'll marry you." Mulder knew he must look like an idiot, but couldn't stop grinning. He sat back down, bringing his partner with him. Scully climbed back into his lap, resting her head on his chest, fitting perfectly under his chin once again. He held her, knowing they'd both been through so much--not just today--and needed time to let it all sink in. "Mulder?" Scully's voice was slurred with sudden tiredness. "Hmm?" He asked, closing his eyes against her hair. It felt so right to have his arms wrapped around her like this. "Thank you for waiting. And for not giving up." Her voice was thick with emotion. Mulder tilted her chin up, kissing his partner like he'd wanted to do for way too long. They'd both done enough waiting, lost so much, and he didn't care what happened anymore as long as they were together. "Scully, you're one who could never give up." He grinned when he realized she'd fallen asleep in his arms. To himself, he added, "And I would wait forever for you if I had to." For the first time in his life, Mulder knew he wouldn't have to wait. XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX Author's notes: Just a little wishful thinking on my part. :) I hope you enjoyed it! And if you did, be sure to drop me a line! ~Meggie~