TITLE: Six Inch Valley AUTHOR: Michelle Kiefer E-MAIL: Msk1024@aol.com DISTRIBUTION: Archive if you'd like. Please let me know where. SPOILERS: Milagro RATING: PG CONTENT: MSR CLASSIFICATION: V DISCLAIMER: These characters belong to Chris Carter, Ten-thirteen, and the X-Files. COMMENTS: I know the world didn't need another Milagro post-ep, but I had this in my head, and it wanted to come out. Grateful thanks to Kestabrook, Laine and all the folks at Crystalship for their support. FEEDBACK: Always welcome. Six Inch Valley (01 of 01) by Michelle Kiefer I never wanted to fall in love. Falling in love means being out of control. Falling in love is messy. Falling in love is absolutely not on my agenda. I need control in my life, and I need to live my life in an orderly fashion. Falling in love with my partner would, of course, be completely out of the question. Yet I stand here looking at a woman in the mirror who is clearly in love. "Agent Scully is already in love." Despite my best efforts at resisting, I appear to be showing all the telltale signs. My eyes are bright, my skin is flushed, and my heart beats in my chest like a jackhammer when I just think about him. I put my hand over my breast and feel the steady beating, and I am amazed that I show no evidence beyond some bruising of the trauma of last night. I still haven't sorted it all out. I will need a lot of time to come up with a rational explanation for how I could be soaked in what will undoubtedly turn out to be my own blood, and yet I have no open wounds. I must admit that I am very good with rational explanations. I look down at the borrowed T-shirt and flannel pajama bottoms. I am absolutely swimming in them. The shirt hangs down to my knees, and the pajama bottoms are stuffed into the tops of the thickest pair of socks Mulder owns because my feet were freezing last night. They balloon out like harem pants, and I look quite silly. I was shocky and exhausted last night after whatever the hell happened to me. It was apparent that Mulder was frightened and wanted me to go to the hospital, but I couldn't bear the thought of a night in a hospital bed, and I was sure there was nothing a hospital could do for me. I was too tired and shivering with cold to go anywhere. Though I probably would have denied it at the time, the only thing I wanted was to be with Mulder. That was all I needed. So after tea laced with copious amounts of sugar and brandy, I steeled myself to clean up. I don't remember much after that because I was so drained that I could barely keep awake. I remember wondering yet again "when did Mulder get a bed?" as he pulled back the covers for me to climb in. I asked him to please lie down with me until I fell asleep, but I dropped off so fast I have no idea if he stayed all night or if he got up and finished the night on the sofa. I woke up to the sound of the shower running. I rolled over and found myself now looking at a mirror on the ceiling. Will wonders never cease? My mind drifts back to the words Padgett had written in the jail cell. When the officer delivered them to me, all I could think about was that another murder was taking place. Padgett described in lurid detail how the young girl had remained grief-stricken at the grave of her boyfriend, unable to comprehend the depth of his love. Now the words haunt me-- "To have love was to carry a vessel that could be lost or stolen or worse, spilled blood red on the ground." He may have been writing about that girl, but I think he was speaking directly to, me and it worries and confuses me. I can hear Mulder moving around the kitchen. The clinking of dishes and the sound of the refrigerator door closing tell this crack investigator that Mulder is making breakfast. The scent of coffee draws me like a magnet. Mulder is setting dishes on the table, wearing jeans and a sweatshirt; his feet are bare. My emotions must really be raw, because he looks so beautiful that I find tears are in my eyes. The running shoes kicked off by the door signal me that he's been out for his run before he showered. On the table, I spot a wax paper bag from the bakery around the corner. He hears me as I enter the kitchen and greets me. "Good morning, sunshine. For a while there I thought you were going to sleep the day away." He sounds a little hesitant. I think he is afraid that I will pull away, that I will rebuild the walls around my heart, complete with extra mortar. Somehow, this morning I find myself out of building materials. I cross to the table and finger the folded over top of the bakery bag. The paper makes crinkly sounds. When I speak, my voice sounds hoarse. Maybe it is filled with emotion; maybe it is strained because I was screaming last night. "If there is a pecan carrot muffin in this bag, it could be love." I can't believe how nervous I am with a person I have spent time with almost every day for more than six years. I wonder if my ears are turning red. They used to do that when I was very embarrassed, as if red hair wasn't enough of a trial for a child. "Must be fate." He opens the bag and produces a muffin as large as a baby's head, and proudly indicates the pecan studded top and lumpy orangy-brown surface. He puts the muffin on my plate and pours me some coffee. He repeats the process with his own plate and cup, and we both sit down at the table. I break tiny pieces off the muffin, eating slowly. I sip coffee and keep my eyes on my plate. The flippant courage I had a minute ago has deserted me. "So, would this mean that Padgett knew what he was talking about?" His voice strives for casual disinterest as he asks this question, but fails completely. I can hear the need, and I want so much to put him out of that misery, but it is not easy. I feel like I am standing on Connecticut Avenue, naked. "Well, he was nothing if not observant." I can't believe I am going the noncommittal route. I am such a coward. "Why can't you even say the words?" The question comes out almost in a whisper. I look up to see his eyes on me. "This--it's not easy for me." I stammer. "I've never found it easy to talk about my feelings. The last few years...it's been just about impossible." I suddenly find the crumbs from my muffin fascinating and roll them around with the tip of my finger. "Mulder, after I was returned...after the initial exhilaration of being alive...I had the strangest sensation of emptiness. It felt like something that used to be there was gone; like something important was missing, and it wasn't just my memories. Then when I was diagnosed with cancer, I felt like huge pieces of me were fading away--like I was being hollowed out. By the time I found Emily and lost her, all within a matter of days, I felt like all that was left of me was a shell. There's a line in a Bruce Springsteen song--'got a six inch valley through the middle of my soul'. I heard that line on the radio one day, and my hands shook so badly I spilled a cup of coffee. I guess everybody needs a theme song." I didn't mean for that last bit to come out so bitter. I don't really feel bitter anymore. A look of pain crosses his face as he speaks with a voice tinged with tears. "I never knew. You always seemed so strong." His hand covers mine, stilling the muffin demolition. "I never wanted you to know. You were consumed with guilt over what happened; I couldn't tell you. It's ironic--I probably hurt you worse by pushing you away than I would have with the truth. Mulder, I know you've wanted more from me. I knew in my heart that the drugs weren't doing the talking in the hospital last winter...that you meant what you said. But I was afraid there wasn't enough of me left to give you what you needed, what you deserved." His face twists into a grimace. I turn my hand to clasp his and give it a squeeze. He needs to know this. "You deserve to be loved...I was afraid that I would end up hurting you, and that would have killed me." He traces little circles on the palm of my hand. I look into his eyes and see such acceptance that I feel strengthened to go on with my confession. "I made a discovery last night." This prompts a flash of curiosity in those amazing eyes. "That's why you're in the FBI--detective work." Well, at least I can see the ghost of a smile cross his features. "Well, I've been a pretty poor detective; this was pretty obvious. Mulder, last night, after all the pain and the blood and the fear, I felt like the emptiness would swallow me up. But the most amazing thing happened. When you held me, that valley in my soul got a little smaller. I felt just a little less empty." I take his hand and bring it to my lips, placing a kiss in the center of his palm. I have decided to go for broke here. "I've been a fool...I've cut myself off from the very thing that could heal me." He pulls me out of my chair and onto his lap. I feel slightly ridiculous; every time I've ever sat on a guy's lap, I've felt like I was visiting Santa. But I lean into him as he pulls me against his chest. One hand is stroking my hair, and the other grips my waist. I forget all about Santa. "Anytime you want a dose of the Mulder Wonder Drug, all you have to do is ask." With my ear against it, I can hear his voice rumble in his chest. The words are teasing, but I know he is serious in the offer. "I'm a little afraid to ask how this miracle drug is administered." I've slipped my arms around his middle, and I squeeze gently. "I think if I say 'injection' you're gonna hit me, so I would suggest a topical application to start." I push myself back a little so I can look into his eyes. I know we are going to kiss now, and I want to mark this moment in my memory. I want to remember the way his shoulders feel under my hands and the way his shirt smells clean from the laundry detergent. I listen to the sound of his neighbor vacuuming her rug and the whine of a siren outside the window. I try to memorize it all. I lean forward and bring my lips to his--just a tiny butterfly wing touch. He smiles and pulls me to him tighter. This kiss is deeper and then deeper still. I pull back now as I know I'm not up to much more than a few kisses today. But I know that things are going to be changing and soon. I smile, and it feels strange because I am so very out of practice. I think that is going to change soon, too. End "Six Inch Valley" (01 of 01)