TITLE: Burning AUTHOR:Dreamshaper FEEDBACK:Is *begged* for, and those who write will recieve Mulder licks!( Kinda like salt licks but infinitely cooler) If you're not personally attracted to Mulder--well, secretary's day and mother's day are right around the corner, and I'm sure all Moms would love to recieve their very own Mulder lick! (thanks to Allison((Akinney)) for the Mulder lick idea!) ARCHIVE:If you want to, go ahead! I love archives...just send me the addy if we haven't talked, so I have more places to visit ;) RATING: R CATEGORY:MSR, V...postep((yesyesyes, there are about 50 unread ones sitting in my mailbox on this one, but hey, I figured--why not a few more! bwahahaha!)) SPOILERS:Milagro, general up to season six SUMMARY: Mulder pov, post-ep...sorry, I can't think of anything more! The more stories I get, the wrose I get at summaries and titles! DISCLAIMER:Not mine, never were, never will be...::sobs:: damnit all! NOTES:Loved Milagro. Loved it. Wasn't too fond of the author's Scully characterization, but still, loved the ep. Had to write a story...am now incoherent and will go to bed. Read, I beg of you. ******************* Oh Star! Some mystery becomes the proud, but to be wholly taciturn in your reserve is not allowed! Say something... And it says, "I burn!" Frost ****************** Nails dig into my back with as much force as the hands can muster, scratching and scraping, and I'd be bleeding were they any longer...hair tickles my nose and the wetness of tears and blood soak my neck, my shirt... It would seem that Scully's heart, so nearly torn free of it's moorings, is broken--only because I know her strength do I even have hope that she will be fine. It is only because I know her strength that I *know* it will be no time at all before she has gathered herself together--but right now, I also know that that is not what she needs. Right now, these tears...they are cumulative tears, I think. Scully is crying for more than her most recent brush with death. So I--although certainly trying to soothe her, to make it easier--am not going to stop the tears. All I can think to do is encourage them... "Yes," I whisper, helpless to stop the tears and not seeing a reason why they *should* stop. "Yes, cry...let it out." I don't think she hears me. Right now, I think she doesn't hear much more at all than her own internal turmoil...but the words help me. I almost lost her again, and find myself nearly as shaken as she. How is it that this happens to her? How is it that Scully can bring out the best and worst in these men that fall for her...including myself? I murmur in her ear, things I don't even understand, giving in to the moment, and the feel of her trembling in my arms... I think the words--do I say them? I couldn't tell, I don't know. I hope so, I hope not, I pray that I never need to, that she knows without words... The tears are slowing, finally, finally...her heart easing in it's frantic thumps, rapid, panting breaths slowing, though still heating my ears--I regret the loss of her tears on my skin...how can she have cried so little? What has happened here--it must be more than this to her. I know her, I know her better than that writer ever will--he and his cheesy, grandiose descriptions of her, his deluded fantsy that she would love him...I know her better. And I do not know her at all... It is no time to ruminate on such things--her tears may not be flowing anymore, her pants may have smoothed into deep, gulping sighs...but her blood still stains her skin, my skin, the floor... Gently, gently...I disentangle myself from her weakening grip. I look down, into her eyes, adn find them almost unutterably weary--they close as if they could not stand the look of mine, as if they could not bear to stay open any longer, and I have to smile sadly down at her.