TITLE: "Beneath The Surface" (1/4) BY: Ten E-MAIL ADDRESS: kristena@ocean.com.au CATEGORY: S, A, MSR, MT RATING: PG-13 for adult situations (more implied than described) & med stuff SUMMARY: Explanations for behaviour in the Beginning; just what was going on in Mulder and Scully's minds? TIMESPAN/SPOILER WARNING: "The Beginning" and the movie, as well as "The End" and "Emily". Mention of other earlier eps in passing. NOTE: I have not seen The Beginning yet - in Australia we don't get the sixth season until February. But I've read the summaries and various opinions and had friends in the US read this. I didn't want to have to wait a few more months to get my opinions in! The only difference I made to the story is that Mulder and Scully have been given a small temporary office. ARCHIVE INFO: It goes to Gossamer through xff. Can be archived anywhere as long as my name, addy and disclaimer stay intact. FEEDBACK: Love it. DEDICATED TO: Kristina J, for cyber-dragging me through this one. Thanks for your relentless enthusiasm! DISCLAIMER: The X-Files and the characters of Mulder and Scully belong to Chris Carter, Ten Thirteen Productions and Fox Broadcasting, and are used without permission. No copyright infringement is intended, no profit will be gained. The X-Files: "Beneath the Surface" (1/4) By Ten, December 1998 He's dead. He's lying in my arms and he's dead. Don't be dead, Mulder. It's impolite. It's inconceivable. I sit here with him in my arms and ice all around us and he is dead. My arms don't believe my brain -they wrap around him tight. Proof, I need proof. I fumble my fingers out of these long Mulder-coat sleeves and feel the morgue-coldness of his neck. No pulse. I put my cheek to his mouth. No breath. He is dead. Mulder is DEAD. There is a gaping hole in my heart, bigger than the crater behind us. No - my heart is in my arms. I am shaking. My chest hitches over and over. It is too cold for me to cry. The person I was the closest to, but whom I kept the most distance from, is dead. I loved him. I've known for a long time that I've loved him more than I would anyone else, except my family, but that's in a different way. My soulmate. But the fear of losing him, of him dying on his quest, in the line of duty...it kept me at a distance. *I* kept me at a distance. It's nothing personal, Mulder, don't you understand? It's me. Its always been me. Ever since I was a little girl I've known that those I loved would die, and I'd keep some of me from them, to save the pain when the inevitable occurred. Grandma and Pa Scully, my father, Missy, Queequeg, Emily...though I didn't get to bond with her. It was hard enough to comprehend that I was a mother, then she was gone. I talked to the counselor about it; she says that my confusion is perfectly natural, that I'm grieving for my lost fertility. I'm upset that she died, angry at what 'They' did to her, but I didn't really know my daughter. But you, Mulder. I knew you. And realisation hits me, more blinding and painful than the glare off the ice. In denying myself, in not letting all of me become close to you, your death is worse to me than the risk of loving you ever could have been. I felt devastated after New Mexico, but those were the early years, when our bond was strong but not quite deep enough for me to realise it was evolving beyond the love of friends. Or to accept. What have I done? I have always been a silent griever. You've seen that, Mulder. You got a taste of it early on with the Boggs case, when Ahab died. My sorrow consists of quiet sobs in the night and behind closed doors; a blotchy flushed face; long periods of staring out windows; and throwing myself back into work the first chance I get, to bury myself, to forget. A statue that moves, mute with sorrow. But for you, Mulder, I scream. I don't have much voice, and my throat is more pain than flesh from the removal of that tube, but I scream. It rings out and is swallowed up. I banshee-wail to the world. I have no language. I have been reduced to the wordless and barren dirge of thousands of women before me. A primal echo. He's dead he's dead he's dead he's dead I have no voice, but I have no life, so that is fitting. I keep screaming though. I knew him, knew how much I loved him, but did he know that? How could he? He died for me. He gave his life. And I couldn't even give him all of my love. All wasted... Stupid - Noise. I am still making noise. No. It's...helicopters. I stare at them in detachment as their sounds increase and they come closer and closer, preparing to land. Then I feel panic. They will take Mulder away from me. They will cover him with a sheet, bag him up. They will take me back to the world. Back to work. I don't want to work. I just want to stay here with Mulder in my arms and let the cold have us both. It can freeze us here, together at last, inseparable, a statue in permanent tribute to lost chances. Wherefore art thou, Romeo? I will be there soon, God- willing. The copters land, contaminating our resting place. Have they no respect for the dead? For my loss? Men alight and run forward, yelling. I clutch Mulder. My grip must be breaking his neck. "Oh God!" one of the men blurts out as he gets close. God? Is He around at the moment? I want to speak with Him. Is this punishment for losing my cross? It wasn't deliberate. I glare at the intruder. "It's all right, love. We're here to help." My love is not all right, can't you see that? The man bends down and examines Mulder. I allow this. But if he tries to take my partner out of my arms, I won't let him. There are more men around us now. They're all talking at once and I just want them to leave us alone. Someone is trying to take Mulder. My "No!" is more a short, guttural scream of outrage than a real word. I practically pull Mulder into my ribcage. "Love, it's okay. Let us take him. We've got stretchers here." They'll zip him up in a bag in the copter. "Don't touch him. Leave us," I say, but I have no voice. My mouth moves, nothing happens. "No body bag!" The man frowns, catching a word here and there. "L- er, ma'am...he's not dead." I glare at him and his patronising. "I'm a doctor. I KNOW dead. No pulse!" I mouth. His frown deepens and he checks again. "He's as hypothermic as all get out and he certainly WILL be dead if we don't get him to the infirmary at base soon, but he's still kicking!" I shake my head. It's a cruel joke. "No PULSE!" I mouth again. The man grabs my hand. "Can you feel that?" he asks. I look down and see that he's squeezing, but I can barely feel it. My fingers are an interesting blue colour. I blink. "If you can't feel that properly, then how could you pick up a pulse?" Or how could I tell if Mulder was breathing? ...my cheek is numb...too numb to feel... Oh my God... "HELP HIM!" I scream-croak, bundling Mulder at them. Someone is putting a blanket around my shoulders, but I bat it off. "Help HIM!" I try to surge to my feet, to drag Mulder to the helicopter, but it is beyond me. But Mulder is no longer beyond me. I have my second chance. I've been telling myself to breathe for the last ten minutes, but my heart is still racing. So, 'dear diary', I've opened you up in the hope that the rhythmic clicking of the keys will soothe me, restore me to reality. I don't want that nightmare again. Living it was bad enough. But if I pick up the phone and dial, he will answer. Even though it is 3.41 in the morning, he will answer. He's not dead. I repeat that over and over in my mind, and my breathing slows. It is the first night that we've been apart since the iceflow though, back in our own apartments, so I guess the nightmare was part of some sort of separation anxiety. I suppose I need the time apart from him to sort things out... Not that there has been or will be much time in the foreseeable future. Hospital in Antarctica. Hospital in D.C. Extensive tests. All clear given. And now that we're discharged, the FBI want answers and reports. Now. Hearing tomorrow with Cassidy. I have to present my preliminary report on what the hell we were doing... There is a good chance they will fire us. But Skinner will argue that we need more time to analyse the evidence. The labs *lost* my blood sample before they could get any results, so I won't have that for them. I should really take the blood personally to the labs (easily done, seeing as I'm carrying it in me) and do the tests myself to make sure it isn't tampered with. To find out what evidence the virus and the vaccine have left behind. Why am I going on about work? To avoid the issue that is my partner and I? Our relationship. He nearly kissed me. His lips just grazed...I didn't even get to taste... I've never liked bees. When I woke up in an Antarctic base infirmary, I was on my side, staring at a wall and door. I panicked. I tried to turn over, praying that Mulder would be lying in a bed just next to me. My body felt so weak and sluggish. The sudden movements sent aches through my neck and throat and stomach. All of which were forgotten in mid-struggle when I caught a glimpse of Mulder lying there. He was on his back, with an oxygen cannula in place - something I was missing. His eyes were closed. He looked very pale. But he was here with me, not in the morgue. I tried to read the numbers on the monitors surrounding him, but their lights were too bright for my eyes. I rolled completely onto my other side so I was facing him and tried to lever myself up. I had no strength. "Mulder..." Damn, I still had no voice either. So I stretched my arm out. It immediately protested at losing the support of the bed and felt like it would just snap off and tumble to the floor. It came nowhere near touching his bed. Or him. His arm was just there, lying on the sheet. I could see it. "Mnghp..." I grunted, and strained to reach out further, trying to support my arm on its mission. Suddenly a nurse was there in the space between our beds. I blinked - I hadn't heard the door open. Then again, I had been rather focused. She was smiling at me. I waved my fingers desperately towards my goal. /Please don't be heartless, please let me just.../ I couldn't even get out a clear 'please', just pitiful whining noises. She didn't say anything. She just took my hand, supported my arm and, with her other hand, took Mulder's limp hand and placed it in mine. Relief nearly made me pass out. She clasped her hands over our joined hands, letting me hold on until I could no longer keep my eyes open. But during those precious minutes, I channelled everything I could to Mulder through my grip. My love, my strength. Over the next few days the doctors gave me the lowdown. If the helicopters hadn't come so quickly, we would have been dead within fifteen more minutes. Mulder nearly died of hypothermia anyway. I had a milder case, but significant enough. Somehow we didn't lose any extremities. Mulder was in a coma and would not wake. A few times I would wake up and desperately need to connect with him. And each time I would not have to worry about staggering to my recovering feet to go do just that. My nurse would appear and give me his hand. One night I knew that Mulder would either have a turn for the worse or the better. I had to keep holding his hand. I wondered how long the nurse could stand there helping us before she would be discovered and get in trouble. But I woke up next morning to hear a doctor saying "How did that happen?" and I looked to find that a chair had been brought in and placed between our beds - and our joined hands were resting atop it on a cushion. "How did what?" came a croak from the other bed. My partner was awake! And I sent a silent thanks to Nurse Owens. After my abduction, I remember her speaking to me; this time she did not. I wonder why, but it does not matter. Because Mulder was awake, and his fingers were moving in my hand. We haven't spoken about the kiss or us...even when I did get my voice back. We have been catching up on a lot of sleep, after all. But we hold hands, and the way that you look at me is those hallway words in visual form... The kiss in spiritual sign-language. In the hospitals and on the planes it is a constant... I hope that the look I give in return shows you the same feelings. We won't be able to show it tomorrow in front of the hearing, but hearings come and hearings go. I will not waste our second chance. I swear that on your life. I love you, Mulder. Wow, I'm breathing harder than I do after the icescape nightmares. But there are the words. They exist. They belong grouped together. It is a scary concept though. Irrefutable proof of my feelings. Now to say them out loud. Okay, I have. Progress! Well, the real progress will be when I can actually say them to Mulder, instead of to my empty apartment... And I will soon. As soon as we're off this dizzying round of hearings and tests and evidence-gathering. Not to mention report writing, which is what I'm supposed to be doing at the moment. But I can't stop thinking about you. Us. You accepted me back into your professional life in the park today after the hearing, and I know by your look that I'll be part of your personal life once this madness is out of the way. You love me more than you've loved Diana. In the past and now. You want me, even in my scepticism. I'm confident of that. I saw Mom when she was leaving from dropping off my usual week's worth of groceries, bless her. She hugged me and said she knew she couldn't keep me, that I was busy, but then she pulled back and scrutinised me very carefully. "What?" I asked. It couldn't be the frostbite - she'd seen my face when she visited us in Georgetown. "You just seem...I don't know. For the first time in a while you look...content...no, that's not the right word... Serene, almost. I can't explain it, dear. I know that must sound very strange." "No, Mom, it doesn't." "Anyway, you wear it well." I love you, Mulder. I say it to the room. I don't care who is listening or that my voice wavered. I say it again and again. With each successive time, I become stronger and more confident. I have no doubts about my feelings or yours - I just doubt me. Will I be able to break so many years of habit and isolating walls to let myself get that close to you? Remembrance of your frozen body in my arms is the only answer I need. Now where's the damn sledgehammer? What a rushed day. Same pattern as the last - Mulder and I off in our separate directions gathering the information we need for the next hearing. It's quicker that way, and we can pursue our individual angles: science and instinct, then put them together to make a picture. There was only time to meet briefly, almost in passing. And it was a bit of a surprise: Mulder's had his hair cut. Butchered, really. He's NEVER had it that short, not even in the second year of our partnership. Almost crew cut. It may suit my brothers and have suited my father, but Mulder isn't in the navy and I have none of those 'attraction to men like your father' impulses. Ahab and Mulder couldn't be more different men. Mulder chuckled at my stare. "Don't you like it?" "When on earth did you have time to get that done? And I know it's none of my business, but why so short?" I got the little-boy pout. "All that hair was hurting my head." I rolled my eyes. "Hey, what the bullet didn't take off, the ice snap froze! I had to do something with it." I'm going to have to marry this man as a mission of mercy - no one else could put up with his brand of humour. At least the head wound is nearly faded - just like my frostbite. There was just time to tell him that I'll be going to the labs tonight to get my blood drawn, then analysed by myself, and we'll have time to go over it tomorrow morning before the hearing with the really big guns. This afternoon will be taken up with coordinating some very unhelpful agents in the Texas branch to collect and send over some of the razed cornfield rubble that is left of what Mulder and I saw. We managed to get aerial photos of the blackened remains, but the board won't be satisfied with that. The ashes might provide some clues... If not swapped for innocuous fireplace ash along the way. Mulder is buoyant. He's got that believer's charge rushing through his body again, the one that had dimmed and gone out earlier this year. I'm pleased, though I'm nervous too. For all that we went through, we don't have definitive proof to present on the existence of aliens. Mulder is very sure of what he saw. I was hazy... But my blood analysis will be the key. He's sure that it will be the ultimate proof. Despite the panic that this concept gives me and my religious faith, I hope for his sake that it does. Yes, the virus is something new and deadly, but there is no indication that it is in any way alien. I saw the look in his eyes when I told him that - unfortunately he had to hear it at the same time as everyone in the hearing... Last night, everyone at the lab had mysteriously been booked solid or was too busy to help me draw the blood. I ended up drawing it myself, smelling a conspiracy. Yep - place suffered a power blackout as I was working. Backup generator failed too. By the time I found the facilities at another lab and got there, the morning was underway. I did everything myself...and didn't find the evidence Mulder was so sure would be there. That he needs. Without this, there is no way that the board will buy his story enough to investigate further - it would be tenuous enough with it. The cornfield ash has given us nothing. So I picked another lab at random as I drove - one the Consortium surely would not have had time to tamper with - showed my FBI credentials and ran the tests again. Twice. Same answer. One that reassured my scientific and religious sides... But what to tell Mulder? I barely had enough time to get to Headquarters for the hearing. I couldn't raise Mulder on the phone to prepare him. I was ushered straight in and the meeting was in progress before I could let him know. And in his absolute certainty of what he had seen and that I would collaborate it, he all but hung himself as a fool in front of everyone, telling them of the space ship in the Antarctic and that we're destined to be alien digestives as the planet is taken over around us. The board asked for my facts. I gave them - I tried to say something to support my partner and his assertions, but I didn't have a leg to stand on and the board cut me off. The X-Files were reopen, but not with us. Diana Fowley and Spender. Just perfect. But, jealousy (which I thought I'd gotten rid of) and irritation aside, I'm haunted by the look Mulder gave me when I presented my bloodwork findings. It was the look I've given him often enough: disbelief. Only my look is usually a diluted type of disbelief, one that I've perfected, just enough to get him to present more than a just a theory, to work for it - to prove to Skinner and the FBI what he believed. To gather the proof, stark and scientific, so we wouldn't be thrown out. Mulder's disbelief and hurt would fill the Grand Canyon. When we got out of the meeting, I could tell he was doing his best not to yell at me or let too much anger show. I know it's a shock to him, but I can't back him up in this the way he wants me to. Not if we haven't got the proof. I have to be the sceptic again, but not in the rigid way I used to. I have to ground you, Mulder. You'll get killed or too badly discredited if you rush headlong in any further with nothing but what you saw. Aliens or genetic mutants or hybrids or clones or humans or whatever, they are deadly serious and not afraid to remove anyone in their way. Man, woman or child. I reminded you about our conversation in your hallway, the one before the bee struck - stung. That you said I make you a whole person. Please don't forget that, Mulder. Yes, you're angry with me, as much as you try to conceal it, but I hope I showed you why I'm doing this, when it must seem like betrayal to you. That's another reason why you're so hurt: you told me what you saw in the Antarctic and what the Englishman said to you. I can remember nightmarish bits and pieces from when you rescued me. And when I say that we need proof and that the virus isn't alien, you hear me telling you that I think you are lying about what you saw. Or that you hallucinated because of your head injuries. God, just when we were getting so close... When will I see the love in his eyes again? XxX It's so hard to watch him with the strain he's under - how difficult it must be reconstructing our files on the sly. To be reassigned from the X-Files. Being more disbelieved and ridiculed than ever. To not have your partner backing you up in the way that you need. But Lord, what if alien colonisation is true? FEMA being behind the bees and corn is bad enough. If this is true, in any shape or form, how could You let it happen? Or are Mulder and I Your answer? Diana is back on the scene. I must remember not to grit my teeth so much... My dentist will get cross. When she appeared on the chess case and the Gunmen told me about her past with Mulder, my stomach felt leaden. Here was the perfect partner that I was not. They got on so well that Byers 'always wondered why they split up'. Mulder had a relationship with her while they were assigned together. What's good enough for her wasn't good enough for me? No, Dana, stop that. You're as much to blame for you and Mulder keeping at a distance in the last five years. You've promised to address that, and you will. Anyway, at the motel, Mulder went off with Diana. He told me he was and why. I know there's nothing to it, that I shouldn't feel hurt. He didn't ditch me; Diana is just the one who can give him what he wants - the 'alien'. So he can club it and bring it home to me as proof. He'll follow anyone - the Englishman, Krycek, Cancerman...despite what they've done - who will lead him to what he wants. But if Diana turns on the charm and the 'oh Fox it's you and me against the world, no one understands, especially our lame partners', I'm worried that he'll decide that he wants the easier life back. Matched minds. Total belief. Path of least resistance. Someone who doesn't automatically doubt him simply because she has to. I have to tell him how I feel now, even before this case is over. I don't want our partnership ruined. I've been thinking over what I said in the hall outside the hearing room. Did I say too little - though for me, what I said was certainly verbal nakedness. Did Mulder know exactly what I was saying, or did he misunderstand? This has been a hell of a case - an unofficial case, that is. This morning he arrived in our temporary office - alcove really - carrying that box of files and a major case of exhaustion. Lately his glasses have been trotted out for the first time in ages - proof that he's well and truly pulling a succession of late nights. "You look tired. How late were you up with those files?" "Don't know." "Mulder, you need to get some sleep." "No, what I need to get is proof. We have proof in these files." His look told me that's what I wanted after all, wasn't it? "I have to get them back." He took his glasses off and rubbed his eyes, slowly sitting down. Now. I had to tell him how I felt. Now. /You can say it, Dana. I love you, Mulder, and although it might not seem like it, I'm demanding proof so that you will be believed, because I love you and I couldn't bear it if they killed you or broke your spirit.../ "I...I..." I stammered. He looked up, blinking. "Mmmm?" "I..." I panicked. "I think you're taking on too much." Ouch, wrong words. He took offence, and I couldn't blame him. "Too much? I'm the only good guy who knows that a joint alien-Consortium colonisation is going to happen and that the Government is in on it; naturally that would seem like a lot, and naturally I'm under a little strain at this burden. You see, I kinda feel obliged to stop it, crazy guy that I am. Somebody has to." "Mulder, I believe that there is some vast viral release being planned - I've seen the crops and the bees..." "And you felt the bee and I saw the spaceship, but you don't believe that. If you don't believe in aliens, Scully, that's fine. Whatever lets you sleep at night. As for me; I don't sleep any more." He grabbed a legal pad from a drawer and a pencil from the holder on his desk. He began to write, then stopped, glaring. The pencil was blunt. He grabbed another. Same story. He looked frustrated. I gave him one of mine. "Mulder, I believe IN you." "You believe in your science. Science and I don't mix." "You said that my science kept you honest. That by it I made you a whole person." "NO! I said that YOU made me a whole person, that YOU kept me honest." He pressed too hard with the pencil and the lead broke. He hurled it away, not even in the direction of the bin. "My science is part of me. I can't just -" "No room for me. I could never compete. Yes, your science has saved me; you have saved me, but there's help and then there's unnecessary hindering." "Are you saying that I'm hindering you?" "No, I'm saying that with this case we can't afford to be hindered. We have to use our instincts. The bad guys will just keep distorting the truth. Remember what Gibson said, Scully. 'You know what it is, you just don't want to believe it yet.'" His eyes were accusing. We had found Gibson again only to lose him. The poor little kid. Mulder didn't seem to care very much about his injury though. I know he thought that Gibson could track down his precious alien, but Mulder is usually much more sensitive with children. My heart still aches when I think of how tenderly he picked Emily up to take her to the hospital...how he held her... But with Gibson... I didn't want to be reminded of that failure, that he was lost while under my care, and Mulder was now tearing pages off the legal pad and scrunching them up into paper basketballs, his mouth in a tight line, so I went before either of us really blew their top, or either of us cried. Five minutes in the ladies composed me enough. I had work to do anyway - to check if the analysis of the claw found at the house was finished, and Skinner had promised us a copy of Diana's report, which she and Spender would be handing in right about then. She betrayed Mulder. Okay, I hate her for how close she and Mulder once were and that she thought she could just come back and pick up where they left off, and I hated her for petty reasons like her being his perfect match in beliefs, but she lied in her report. She withheld evidence. I was worried about how Mulder would take this after everything else, but HE DEFENDED HER! I can't believe it... Why did he? She contradicted him seven ways from Sunday. He admitted to me that she held a gun on him! Is he punishing me because I can't prove or accept his aliens? I can't afford to accept them without proof, Mulder - they'd hang us in a second! Or is all this betrayal too much to comprehend and he's stubbornly denying everything? There was a glimmer of hope though. After telling him about Diana's report (while thinking up all these evilly satisfying things I'll do the next time I encounter her) and seeing him so defeated and drawn, yet defensive because of his precious beliefs, I gave him the findings on the claw and Gibson Praise. The similarities in the DNA. And for a few seconds my Mulder was back. He was in my personal space, devouring the files, the facts that I'd provided, and coming up with a theory that gave him his aliens. We're ALL aliens... Great, that's an even more scary concept for me. But hey, whatever keeps him happy. He looked immediately charged with light again, though his eyes were bloodshot from being bent over charred files. We bantered about our theories, the evidence, having at last found a common thread in this to use as a tightrope to rejoin us. But that's so tenuous. I wanted a bridge. So I tried again to tell him my feelings. I didn't want him to end up with Diana, even though I think she's shot herself in the foot with her actions if she had any plans to reseduce him. It was time to lighten the mood. "After work, let's go to my place and relax. Have some take out." "Sorry, got two more files I want to do tonight. Have to keep to quota." I hung in there, but my smile was straining at the sides. "But if you don't come, you'll miss something really amazing. I plan to be spontaneous at exactly 9pm!" I joked. "That's nice, what are you going to do?" Mulder looked at me with a sort of polite interest, not even a chuckle in his eyes. I was starting to get angry. Damn his deadpanning! Couldn't the man spare a laugh once in a while? And look who was talking about smiles, Dana Katherine. I thought of his frozen body in my arms and tried again. I wanted to say in response: 'What am I going to do? Well, seduce you for starters!', but when I opened my mouth, I panicked again. Big surprise. "I...well...I think it's time that I...um...changed a certain pattern of mine..." "Pattern? What, your curtains?" China patterns perhaps. "No, no - I mean...not that sort of pattern. A habit. I leave too much space around me and I don't want that, I want to be closer to -" Mulder, who had made several attempts to return to restoring his x-file during my babble, interrupted. "Too much space? You want a smaller apartment? And you want to be closer to work? No? Oh, to your Mom?" Damn, this wasn't working. My face was going beet-red and how could I expect him to pay full attention when he was working on an x-file, even if it was old and ruined? I gave a bright smile. "It doesn't matter. I'll see you later." And I planned to see him later. On the drive home I kept going over what I'd said and felt embarrassed at all my weak hinting. I should have just come out and told him! Okay, we were at work and he was distracted, so that meant I'd just have to pick my time more carefully. I should have learnt from the whole desk episode a few years ago. I'd call in and see if he was in a more receptive mood. If so, then I would be CRYSTAL clear. Even if he rejected me, and I was sure he wouldn't - well he might suggest that we didn't get romantic for a bit longer, and I could understand that - then I would have been true to my feelings and growth. So after supper and a good pep-talk to myself in the mirror, I set off for his apartment. I figured that he'd eventually come home from the lab tonight. He had. But he'd brought company. As I looked for a parking space, I saw him escorting Diana out of his apartment. His hand was on the small of her back. I didn't wait to see if they drove off together or if she had her own car or if they kissed or were arguing or what. I drove on, blinking back tears. I'm still here in the office. Today was awful. I didn't think anything could top yesterday, but extreme possibilities are a bitch at times. Mulder came into work late. I'd already nursed up a goodly amount of injustice and anger and horrible images and hadn't got a decent night's sleep myself. He was distracted all day, not able to find a particular file and getting narky about it. He kept wasting good paper as bin basketballs, not that any of them were reaching his goal. Usually he averages 8 out of 10, even when just back from sick leave. Boy, cheap sex must really screw up the reflexes. Dana, curb that. You don't know that anything happened last night. She could have gone over to explain herself... Ha. There might still be time to salvage him from her. Time to save us. I'm torn between my anger and my feelings for him. "Nothing but floor. What gives?" I kept my voice casual. He glared at me like it was my fault. "The bin's in the wrong place. I'm used to our REAL office!" There was no need for him to snap. Damn male pride and bruised ego. Perhaps he's feeling guilty that he's laying her after he all but declared his love for me... Maybe that transfer wasn't such a bad idea after all. Salt Lake City would be a nice change. The horrible thought has hit me that perhaps he DID understand what my hints were about, but he was awkward and avoiding me because he couldn't find a way of letting me down gracefully... It was an uncomfortable morning. Mulder took off for the afternoon, ostensibly to gather some research, but more likely to use the Gunmen's lab to keep working on the files. I was relieved to have the distance, even though I'm stuck with the paperwork. Even though a few days ago distance was the last thing I wanted. Something is niggling at me, some detail I'm overlooking, perhaps about the claw, but I just don't know what. Something important. He came back near knock-off time to grab more files, muttering that the world is full of irresponsible drivers. Must have been a bad day on the Beltway. Today he came in dishevelled and irritable. What a coincidence: I was neat and fed up. The words were out of my mouth before I could stop them: "What happened? Did you get up on the right side of someone else's bed?" My God, I had no idea I could sound so spiteful. He froze and stared at me. "What?" he asked. "If you're going to screw Fowley, at least have the decency to get here on time of a morning. I've covered your ass in the past, but there's no way I'm covering your naked ass if it's parked in her bed!" I opened my mouth to tell him that I was a breath away from transferring or quitting, but stopped when he pulled off the now ever-present glasses and I saw his eyes suffuse with anger. He stalked up to and around my desk, looming over me in my chair. Oh that's right, big man, go for the intimidating height thing. His words were frost. "For your information, the last time I slept with Diana Fowley was December the 4th, 1991. She was on top. Do you want to know how long we kept it up for? Jesus, Scully! What the hell's gotten into you?" I floundered suddenly. "You were partners at the time! Yet with me -" "YOU! Yes, Diana was my partner, but at least I didn't start up with my *academy instructor*!" I swallowed. Damn him for remembering Jack. And damn me for never enlightening my partner that I only became involved with Jack six months AFTER graduation after we'd run into each other again at a seminar. Not my finest hour. And neither was this. Then this afternoon Kersh gave us a real dogsbody assignment - the equivalent of the boss sending a manager out halfway across town to get donuts. Mulder kept up that inane deadpanning. Kersh didn't see the humour in it. Mulder and I were still smouldering at each other, only saying necessary words in oh-so-polite tones. Very adult. Once upon a time we had a common enemy, now we are each other's enemy. I thought we'd got past that after our very first case. I was insane to think that a believer and a sceptic could love together as well as work together. I'm surprised we lasted this long... I was so wrapped up in my bitter thoughts that I didn't really notice the first time that Mulder braked a bit quickly and swore. The second time jolted me forward. Mulder whacked the horn and received the finger from the car in front. "How the hell did she get her license?" he fumed, more to himself than me. "What did she do?" "Cut me off." Three blocks later we nearly hit a businessman who was crossing the street. He yelled abuse as the bumper bar stopped two feet from his knees and may have taken down our license plate in his computer organiser. Kersh will love us. "Is everyone suicidal today?" Mulder raged. I stared at him. "Mulder, the guy had the right of way! He stepped off the curb with the lights. I saw - you didn't even look!" He was even more furious at the insinuation. Great. I tried to keep calm. "I know you're angry at me, but focus on driving for the minute! One more 'incident' and I'm taking the wheel." We got to the organisation, collected the 'donuts', and after an argument in their car park that resulted in the security guard coming up to us, I ended up driving us back. Mulder just sat in the passenger seat, arms folded, and glared at the passing world. We got back to the FBI, parked the car and went in, heading for Kersh's office. Then Mulder's cellular rang. I saw the charge come over his face, then the guarded way he looked at me. And I knew what was coming. We had slown down to a stop. Mulder hung up and put the phone away. "I have to go; you take the stuff to Kersh." "You have got to be joking, Mulder! That was Diana, wasn't it? I'm not covering for your little tryst!" I didn't care that there were others in the hallway. He looked at me contemptuously, then got in my space and lowered his voice. "She's got a lead for me - proof about what we saw in the nuclear reactor. Proof about the alien. She wants me to be able to prove it." "Then why did she lie about it in her report?" "She told me she had to do that to get in close with the ones watching her; now that they think she's one of them, she's been given access to more info. She did it for me." I wanted to strangle him. He moved back and spoke normally again. "And delivering that to Kersh is a one person job. I'll see you later." "No, Mulder. No, you won't see me later. What you'll see is an empty desk and my transfer papers." Mulder stared at me. His eyes were angry and hurt, but his face was that damn deadpan. "I have to go," he said, and did. He didn't really love me. I slumped against the wall as my brain gave me that fact and then delivered the proof. Everything he did in Dallas and when I resigned...every touch and plea...it was all a manipulation to get me to stay. Even the near-kiss. Because I was of use to him then: the only one who would follow him, defend him, that he trusted. Nothing more. He only followed me to the Antarctic because he was my partner and felt guilty and responsible for my situation. Now I couldn't take the final step that he wanted, and Diana had recuperated, returned, and come-hithered. I was relegated to liability. People passed by, staring at the tears gathering in my eyes. I told myself that it didn't matter - that I've gotten through this before. I hadn't given all of myself to him, so now that the crunch came, I'd be spared all the pain. I would walk away from him. But I couldn't dismiss the agony now anymore than I could when out on the iceflow. I would have to walk away from Mulder. I would deliver this to Kersh and go gather up my things and perhaps transfer to the labs where I could still study this virus, still do my part to learn and defeat it. That certain elusive something was nagging at my mind again and I shoved it down. I straightened myself up, squaring my shoulders, tucking the 'donuts' neatly under my arm. It nagged again. It was my instincts, battering at the door to be let in. Oh all right...what is it? My instincts hustled me to the question I'd been asking for days now: why is Mulder like this? Because I don't 'believe' him! I cried in my mind. Because she does! Then my instinct, my gut feeling, hustled me past my jealous excuses and theories and personal conclusions, and took me to my scientific side. One part of it in particular. And got it to re-analyse the things that I'd been analysing with the personal side of me instead... Or ignoring. Mulder's strange behaviour all fell into place. As symptoms. "Oh Mary, Mother of God..." I ran for the carpark. XxX Please let him be here, please... I ran along the rows of cars, having lightened my flight by dumping Kersh's stuff. Mulder had only left me a few minutes ago, but with that fast stride of his, he could have already reached the car and driven off. I was trying to dial his number and run at the same time without hitting anything, when - There. He was there, just getting in the car. "Mulder, wait!" He froze, half-poised over the driver's seat. He stared at me suspiciously. "What?" I raced up, my heels killing me. "Mulder, you can't go." He got out of the car, but remained with the door jutting out between us. "Why not? You'll snitch on me to Kersh?" "No!" I put the phone away. "Mulder, if I'm right, you're in no condition to drive. I think you're sick -" "Sick? Oh sure... You've thought that I'm crazy since you were first assigned to me. Look, I had a bad run with traffic yesterday. I'm sorry." He moved to get back into the car. "Mulder, I think you've got a subdural hematoma," I blurted out. "Excuse me?" "Bleeding between the skull and the brain. The symptoms fit -" "I don't believe this... I don't believe this!" He slammed the door and loomed over me. "You'll do anything to keep me from seeing Diana, won't you? Are you jealous? Or are you making up ways for Them to sack me?" I was jealous, but now was not the time to admit that. He was defensive enough as is. How was I ever going to convince him? "Mulder, if I mean anything to you at all, will you please hear me out? Preferably while I'm driving you to Georgetown to get a CAT scan. We can't afford to -" "A subdural hematoma? What will you think of next? We had tests done when we got back from the Antarctic - we were fine! And I certainly haven't hurt my head since then." I agreed with the latter bit - I would have seen a bruise straight away thanks to that crew cut. "We had tests done, but I wasn't in the room when they did yours - I was having my own done. They could have doctored or faked the results; covered up that you were bleeding, so that you would destroy yourself, like the time They drugged you. You snuck out of hospital to chase me all the way to the bottom of the world when you had just been shot - then with all the pressure on the planes and the exertion and everything you said happened in the ice base -" "It DID happen! Stop saying that it didn't! I'm so sick of your attitude!" "You could have been hit on the head or aggravated the wound and not known." "It's been two weeks since the spaceship left; don't you think the 'bleed' would have killed me by now?" "Bleeds can be slow. They can gradually cause more and more symptoms over a period of weeks." "Well, convince the sceptic, Agent Scully. Where's your proof?" Mulder will accept alien life, travel to the South Pole in a heartbeat for me - yes, FOR ME - but he wouldn't accept his own life and death situation. "Depending on where the bleed is, it could be affecting various parts of your brain. You're wearing glasses again -" "Because I've been slaving over the files for all hours." "- because your vision is blurry. That could be pressure on your optic nerves." He snorted and looked at his watch. I pressed on. "You said your hair was 'hurting' and then cut it surprisingly short -" "Oh yes, I agree absolutely; I'm sick. Men have been hung on less rock-solid evidence than that," he said flippantly. "- which could indicate confusion in judgement..." Ouch, that had probably torn it. And I hadn't even mentioned his Diana-ing. "I thought you were deadpanning at my jokes, but you were taking things literally." Mulder laughed without humour. "You don't TELL jokes." "You've shown signs of clumsiness -" "No need to rub in that I'm rapidly approaching forty." "- and your motor skills are affected." I opened my mouth to say more, like his late arrivals at work and the headaches he must be experiencing, but Mulder's face could have been filed under 'Disbelief'. "For everything you have just said, there is a perfectly reasonable alternate explanation." "I know, but I'm doing what you told me to do: going by my instincts. Please Mulder, just let me take you to the hospital and we can sort it out once and for all..." He shook his head and yanked the car door open again. "NO!" I grabbed the edges of the door. "You can't drive; you'll have an accident and hurt yourself or someone else!" "Go away, Scully. Get out of my way, get out of my life. I don't believe you, and I can't believe how far you're going to keep me from the truth." Tears were swarming in my eyes, but I wouldn't let go. He got in the car and heaved at the door - with his strength he was able to move it, and my brain made my fingers let go before they were crushed. "Mulder!" "Shut up!" he yelled. He locked the door and inserted the key in the ignition. I ran around to the front of the car and stood before the bumper bar. Mulder looked up and saw me and cursed. He glanced left and right and behind, but he was hemmed in by cars. The only way out was through me. "Scully, get out of the way!" "No! You have to listen to me. I don't want you to destroy yourself! I'd never do anything to hurt you." "Get out of the way!" he roared, revving the car and honking the horn. I could hear a voice or voices in the background - other agents, I supposed, wondering what the hell was going on. I hoped one of them or someone from security would come over and help me get Mulder out of the car. I couldn't dare move from where I was. I was a metre from the bumper bar. "I need help over here!" I called. A calmness descended over me. I knew what had gone wrong and that it could be fixed. I knew what had happened to my Mulder and that I would do whatever it took to stop him driving out of here. I considered pulling my gun on him...no telling how he'd react... Then he deliberately moved the car forward, just a foot, hoping I'd instinctively skitter back. I swallowed and held firm. Again. And again. The car slowly moved forward and bumped my knees. I leaned forward, my hands pressed onto the hood. I considered climbing up onto it. "Scully!" "Would I be doing this if I thought you were okay? You need help, Mulder! I'll be there the whole time; I won't let anything happen to you." Ouch, that sounded like I was enticing him into the nice padded cell, but with my partner ill and about to drive a car over me, I wasn't my usual articulate self. I couldn't hear the voices anymore. Whoever it was had probably gone to get help or security or something. Mulder would probably keep moving the car forward at the same pace, just enough to force me inexorably backwards until he had enough room to get the car out of the space. I couldn't let that happen. So I took a deep breath and pushed myself sideways, falling so that I lay directly in front of the left wheel. Leaving no room for him to manoeuvre except over me. I'd left a metre between me and the bumper bar, but it was still scary to see the tread of the tire before me and hear the engine running. Then the engine cut off. Mulder was out of the car and at my side in a second. He seized me and hauled me to my feet, giving me a shake. "What the hell were you thinking?!" His voice was angry and upset, matching his flushed face. "I could have run you over!" "Agents!" The voice was unmistakably that of a security guard. "Would you mind explaining yourselves?" I opened my mouth to reassure both Mulder and the guard. Then Mulder's face went stone-pallid. He blinked and staggered slightly. I reached out for him as he put a hand to his forehead. He stared at me and whispered a single, confused: "Scully?", then sank to his knees. I knelt on the cold concrete with Mulder in my arms and reassured him with my touch while I barked orders to the guard. People gathered, milling at the sight. The ambulance was on its way. "Scully?" Mulder whispered again. "What's happening to me?" His voice hitched. It nearly broke my heart. And the look in his eyes... This was my Mulder, breaking through the fog of confusion that the last two weeks must have been, reaching for the surface as the current was trying to pull him under for good. "Stay with me. It's okay; it's all going to be fine. I love you." Just like that, I told him. With him barely conscious in my arms and a rapidly growing crowd of agents around us who could use those words against us. And now I sit here in the waiting room as the hands keep moving around the clock, writing this on paper because I need to keep my hands and mind busy, dammit (well, the parts of my mind that aren't entrenched in heavy duty praying at the moment). His previous surgeries have never seemed this long. And I wonder whether my declaration of love was all he was holding on for, and so now that he had it, would he die? Should I have saved it? Given him something to fight back for? To be able to hear the words? He's in a coma. He's off the respirator. His coma has lightened. He's hanging on for me. Diana Fowley has just visited. Once I find a cup of coffee to rinse the taste out of my mouth, I'll vent my anger in here. The safest place. I'm so confused. Okay... Just before that, I was sitting at Mulder's side - bed rail lowered - watching him. It hurts to see him pale and still and surrounded by white again. And the bandage high up on his temple. They had to shave a little of his hair - even closer than his haircut. He did avoid a full-scale craniectomy - the removal of a section of skull which would then be replaced by a steel plate - which would have ended his career as a field agent. He had a craniotomy: they gave him coagulants to clot off the bleed and drilled a hole to evacuate the clot to relieve the pressure. Of course, being a Mulder- injury, the clot proved too big to suction out through the little hole...problem. They ended up using a laser and that worked - it got rid of the clot without the doctors having to do anything more radical. But I need something to break up MY jangling nerves. Coffee certainly isn't cutting it. He's progressed to an oxygen cannula and has been making movements and faint noises on and off through the day. So there was hope that he'd wake up soon. I kept talking to him and telling him how sorry I was, and stroking the soft skin between his eye and ear with my index and middle finger since I couldn't run my hand through his hair. "Yes, Mulder, I did say that I loved you, and I do love you, but that is NOT an out for you to keep hiding in there or give up. I want everything that goes with it..." But even as I said those words, I had doubts. Doubts about whether we should try to be a couple. Look what happened to him because I was focusing on being jealous and wanting to get romantic, instead of doing my job. Perhaps there was something to be said for DistanceScully! after all. So much guilt... I put my wants before his own good. I should have picked his behaviour up sooner. It will kill me to have to retreat back to my lonely walled city with its population of one. But I will get used to it again...if I build the walls double thick... Enter Diana, stage left. I stared at her, trying to fight off a glare. Diana gave me a polite little smile as she went around the other side of the bed and looked down at Mulder. Her face became all pious and anxious. "How is he?" "Fine, for someone who you had hoped would be quite dead by now." "Agent Scully -" "You're not welcome here. You had no interest in helping him. You betrayed him." "Then I'm in good company with you." "What?" Her attack was devastating, rending me speechless. "You betray him on a regular basis. I've only been able to read a few X-Files that survived the fire, but I've studied people long enough and heard enough about you to make a very educated profile. You keep undermining him in your reports. Sticking to your rigid views. It's been six years, Agent Scully. I bet that you would have seen some amazing things during that time, but did you ever collaborate Mulder's version of events? No - you fought him every inch of the way, dismissed anything that didn't fit in with your faith or your way of looking at the world because it scared you. You've held him back. He could have known so much more if you weren't hindering him at every opportunity. At least I act in his own best interests; you act in your own. Denial is the only lover you'll ever have, Agent Scully." I wanted to leap on her, hissing and spitting and clawing. Instead, I told her coldly to get out. Mulder stirred. He didn't wake, but he mumbled something. A word that could have been either 'Diana' or 'Dana'. Diana flashed a triumphant smile and swept offstage. I felt sick. I sit and think. XxX The next time the nurse came in, I asked to look at Mulder's chart. I studied the location of the hematoma. It had affected his motor skills, without question, and also led to retinal nerve pressure, which explained his eyes. Some of the other things may have been symptoms, or they may have been due to his exhaustion and the situation. I guess we'll see when he's conscious. I don't know whether his defense of Diana was due to his judgement being affected or him trying to hurt me or just stick up for a woman who had been loyal to him in the past. It's a toss up. Why didn't Nurse Owens tell me about Mulder's hematoma? She was mute in the Antarctic...perhaps her connection with me was too weak this time...or perhaps she was a manifestation of my faith and desire and need for enough strength to reach him... So, again I come to the inescapable conclusion - I should have known he was sick. Other thoughts come to me. Why had the Consortium/FEMA/whoever gone to so much trouble to sabotage my blood testings since there appeared to be no conclusive proof of aliens in it? Was it all just a run of bad luck with the labs, or did they want to set Mulder up as a fool with the hearing, by having him ignorant of my findings? Another piece laid on his path of 'self- destruction'? I bet Diana was one of those pieces too, carefully chosen and set down, a move in a game of chess. But even if Diana is, I can't deny the truth in her words. "Scully?" His eyes were open, he was blinking... My God, he was awake! And looking at me. He was groggy from the anesthetic and confused, but as soon as I said, "I'm here, I'm right here," and squeezed the hand that I've been holding for the last hour (while writing with the other one), he smiled and gave me the look that he gave me in the hallway before the bee. Not the bit where it was full of desire - he's just woken from major surgery, after all - but the love I never thought I'd see again. "Scully," he repeated. "Yes, it's me. You're okay. You're in the hospital." He blinked. "Why...?" Where should I begin? "You had a subdural hematoma, Mulder. Bleeding - in your fronto-temporal lobe. You've had surgery, but you're fine now. Don't worry about it now." I watched him try to absorb this. My hand reached out, independent of my head, bonded with my heart, and the same two fingers stroked his skin. He moved fractionally so that my touch deepened. I waited to see if memories of the last two weeks would come bursting through. Instead he just whispered "Scully," again with a small smile, as if I was the answer to all of life's mysteries. Or all he needed to know. Then he closed his eyes and slept. And I sat there, still torn with indecision. Diana hasn't come back. Since Mulder is no longer in a coma, the nurses have started doing neuro checks, waking him up each time. The first few times he has answered their questions, submitted to the physical stuff, then looked for me, before promptly going back to sleep, reassured. This time, the nurses left and he looked at me and his eyes went wide. "I nearly -" "Shhh, it's okay." "I nearly... Oh God, I nearly ran you over..." "You weren't yourself. I knew you wouldn't." "But for a moment - for a second - I wanted to just hit the accelerator -" He was almost sobbing. "You didn't. You'd never do anything to hurt me." "Yes, I would. I said things... I was so scared and tired, and I thought I was going mad, and I just bit out at you..." "It seemed like everyone was against you, even your body." The memories had temporarily banished his grogginess, though every time he's woken up he's been noticeably more alert. "How do you feel?" I asked, checking. "Got a headache," he admitted. "But it's not as bad as the ones I was getting before I passed out. Thought it was stress." He looked sheepish. Mulder has always been good at hiding his headaches - probably because he knows I'd make him take it easy, which is the last thing he wants to do in the middle of cases. This time must have knocked some sense into him at last if he was admitting it. I got the nurse to give him a painkiller - he didn't require a lot, but it would keep his intracranial and blood pressures on the low side as well as fix the headache. The painkiller didn't slow his mind down though. "Diana." His brain was still going back over things. "You - you thought I was screwing Diana." Wow, they really got these sheets whiter than white... "Scully?" Reluctantly I looked up. "I saw you and her outside your apartment building one night - the day I gave you the findings about the claw." He thought hard. "She wanted to 'talk'. I heard her out, even though I didn't want to, and led her downstairs so she'd go home. That's all. December 1991, Scully. I swear." He gave that little grin. "You were touching her... Your hand was on her back." Just where he touches me. I knew I was being pedantic, but I couldn't help it. "I was gently steering - propelling, really - so she'd move!" Relief and joy washed over me like a waterfall. I attempted to move the conversation on. "They had to shave even more of your hair off... A little patch." He frowned. "Even more? Oh - I got a crew cut, didn't I?" He felt the top of his head, careful to avoid the bandage on the way. "Yow, that's short! Bad move. I'll grow it out. I didn't get an earring or my nose pierced, did I?" "No." I laughed. There was a long silence. We just sat and stared at each other. His body was frail, but his eyes were alive with his feelings for me. "Go to sleep," I said quietly. If he closed his eyes it would be both a relief and a loss for me. "Nope. I'm enjoying the view." "It'll still be here when you wake up." "Something happened... I can't remember... Something... Scully - I think I know why!" "Why what?" "Why the lab results didn't pick up that the virus is alien!" The theory poured out of him. "I mean, it looks like our DNA is the same as theirs, just underused, but the aliens might have evolved us to use in time as less- developed slaves. But in the Antarctic, in the ship, I saw all those people with aliens incubating in them. I thought that's what the virus did - and that I gave you the vaccine before you reached that stage - but what if the virus just sets up the environment - the host body - for the alien gestation? The alien is then introduced into the body on the ship..." His eyes widened. "The black cancer! I saw tanks stained with black...and the tanker trucks... There are other pieces, I know that's not the whole picture, but as you said: the virus creates nothing. It prepares instead! That explains why you couldn't find it in the lab results!" He was triumphant. "I looked, Mulder. I swear that I looked for it for you. I wanted to find the proof for you." "I know." "And proof or no proof, I have to keep you grounded - just enough of you - so we can get through this. So that when we save the world, we'll be still alive to enjoy it. And you'll stretch me that bit further so that my head isn't buried in denial of what's going on around us. Above us," I ventured. "Gibson said that you knew it was an alien." "And to you I admit it, but to our superiors and the world at large...not until we have the proof. Can you understand that? Accept that in me? My failing?" "Yes - your strength. Mine." He smiled and slept. I knew I still had major religious issues with the whole concept, but on the whole I was relieved. Until I remembered Diana's words. Next time he was awake, his mind kept ticking over: "Was I hallucinating, because I thought I heard Diana...?" "She...dropped by to see how you were. Yesterday morning." He snorted. "Glad she hasn't come back. I don't think I'm up to being stabbed in the back a third time. I remember something else too." "What?" "You wanted me to come round to your apartment, and I dismissed you. You were trying to tell me about wanting to change some pattern, that you had too much space around you... You weren't talking home furnishings or moving house there, were you?" The moment of truth had arrived. Confirm or deny? I could make out that I was just talking about redecorating - he probably wouldn't believe it, but he would know by it that I didn't want our relationship to move forward in that way. But I could make it clear that I'd be there for him, that we'd work to get back the X-Files... Diana's words came back to me: *He could have known so much more if you weren't hindering him at every opportunity. At least I act in his own best interests; you act in your own.* What good would I be to the X-Files? What good had I ever been? Mulder's words: *You saved me...a thousand times over...as frustrating as it's been...you make me a whole person. I need you on this...* Could I be there personally for him, but not professionally? My head felt like it would split apart. Iceflows and castle walls blurred in my head. An impossible battle. Mulder's hand was squeezing mine. "Scully? Scully, talk to me!" "I'm so confused... I don't know what to do... I've held you back in the X-files!" He blinked, but kept a firm grip on my hand. "What do you mean? I thought we'd got past that - I told you in the hallway... And as for what I've said in the last few weeks...well, I was confused and angry and desperate to prove what I knew was true..." "But I've held things back in the past - things that I've seen. I've held you back." "Who told you that?" I was silent. "Diana. Damn her, she's really done it this time. Scully, you may have been...selective...in what you've put down in our reports, and I may have gotten angry about it, but you do it to help us. They would have taken the files off us years ago if you didn't do that. You offer alternate explanations and make me work for my theories and you leave out stuff that would harm our cases. Diana just did it to manipulate me." I didn't feel very consoled, even though his argument was logical. He continued. "How about that from now on, we write everything in our reports, then go through together and agree on what to remove, if anything? So then neither is hiding anything from the other, just from the jerks. Okay? At least give that a chance. We've come too far to quit now." "But we haven't got the X-Files back yet." "We will. But we can start with the events of the last two months. Redo our reports on Texas and Antarctica and the nuclear facility." "The nuclear facility report was Fowley and Spender's. And it wasn't burnt." "Well, it should have been! But let's do our own report on it and on Gibson. We've got to get the poor kid back." "Okay..." "Okay?" he asked leadingly. "Yes, let's redo the reports and be more honest." I owed it to us to try. "And if you show me how, I'll start reconstructing our other files." His smile was wide and wonderful. "And what about what you were trying to tell me about more space and patterns?" "I..." I went mute. He didn't. "I love you, Scully." It was like I was peering out at him through the bars in the gate of my walled city. His words were wondrous things...but they meant nothing if I stayed in here. I looked down at the gate and realised it didn't have a lock. It never had; I've just kept it pulled shut. But now I pushed forward and through and stepped out into his love. His world. "And I love you." Wonder raged with doubt in his features. His voice was small and uncertain. "What sort of love? The same way that I love you?" Even though he believed, he needed the final proof before his personality would let him accept how I truly felt. I could understand that. It was an answer I didn't have to plan out or consider before I spoke. It was us - everything we had done and would do and were. "The sort where the girl will rush to Alaska to save him and he'll rush to Antarctica for her. The type where we start talking china patterns. The sort of love where, when you get out of here, the second you're well enough...I'll give you a session that'll curl your toes. And your hair." I could hear walls tumbling down in the background. I was shaking, but still intact. Free. Mulder grinned and immediately looked fully recovered. I so much wanted to take full advantage by bending down into our first proper kiss, but I didn't want to risk raising his intracranial pressure. Damn the doctor in me... So I kissed my fingertips and touched them to his lips. His smile went wider, and he tried to wrap it around my fingers. I gently pulled them back. "Later." He pouted. I crossed my arms, as much to keep myself on good behaviour as him. "If I kiss you the way we both want at the moment, we're both going to forget to come up for oxygen for at least ten minutes. Now that wouldn't be good for me, let alone you." "Spoilsport." "Toecurler, Mulder," I whispered, leaning closer. "Never to be straightened out again. Hold that thought and some patience." It was a mantra I had to keep repeating to myself too... I'm writing this diary entry by mental telepathy, because there is no way in God's wonderful world that I am going to leave this bed and these arms. Oh God... when I - when he - when WE - WOW!!!! It is December the...December the...what is the date? I can't remember...1998, anyway. I think. All rational thought has fled from my bones. But mark this day! This is the beginning. I was Queen of the Castle and loved it. So did the healed- enough Rascal. Though his performance will gain him a knighthood. I could go into scaling the highest turret and loving the view... I can safely say that Mulder yelled out 'Dana', not 'Diana'. Just ask anyone in my apartment block. Though the whole of Georgetown is probably busy dialling 911 in the belief that I screamed 'Murder'. Hey, I was a little breathless at the time! We could have been doing this - getting this - for six years... But we weren't ready. We haven't left it too late though. We're young enough and strong and eager. And determined to make up for lost time. A fact that's being proved right now as Mulder's hands begin to move... I do believe he's going for his earldom! Four Days later: In some aspects we're taking things slowly and talking to each other every step of the way. Sometimes I find myself panicking and diving back behind the rubble of the walls, frantically and subconsciously trying to stack it back up again into a rapid and haphazard barrier. It was such a habit. But it is easier to knock down when I become aware of it. The shelter that Mulder and I have built together is worth going back to, even though I flee from it sometimes. Now we can finally and fully dwell in it together. Some things we hide from the world, but not from each other. We're feeling our way with this aliens versus religious aspect too. If Mulder and I can find common ground in our work, then I can reconcile these two things. One day. "You're gonna blind someone with that smile," he remarks, watching me as I watch him wake. "There are other ways of going blind, they say." "I'm less interested in the saying than the doing..." "Go back to sleep." "Nope. I'm enjoying the view." "It'll still be here when you wake up." But I don't refuse. No way. Mulder is King of the Shower... Lord, that session alone made up for all our hands-off during the second year of our partnership. I think we're up to 1995 now... Oh, by the way...he doesn't get up on the right side of my bed - he always ends up on the left.