TITLE: Ache AUTHOR: Gwinne E-MAIL: gwinne@yahoo.com WEBSITE: http://www.dreamwater.org/xfileluv/Gwinne/Gwinne.html ARCHIVE: Ephemeral, Gossamer; otherwise, please ask KEYWORDS: MSR SPOILERS: a fill-in-the blank for "Daemonicus" DISCLAIMER: It's Season 9, Chris still owns them, and I'm fairly content. ACHE She's spent most of her life in the car, shuttling between here and there. She's tired. "What are you going to do, attach the pump to the cigarette lighter?" That's what Mulder asked when they talked about her going back to work. She has a month-old son asleep at home and a hole in her heart as big as an alien spacecraft. New mothers, she thinks, are prone to hyperbole. She hits a bump in the road, and her nipples strain against the cotton of her nursing bra. "Sexy," Mulder said the morning he left. She knows he meant it. Now she can't feed the baby without thinking of him, his index finger on the swell of her milk-pale flesh. "I'm on my way back to DC," she tells Doggett. How her breasts ache. NOTE: This story came out of a Scullyfic challenge to write 155 words about Scully. For Jen, webmistress extraordinaire.